Jason Dolley in the House
22-year old Jason Dolley has spent most of his career at the Disney Channel, where heterosexist boy-obsessed-with-girl is the order of the day, so he hasn't had many opportunities for gay projects....
View ArticleWho is the Strongest Man at the Fair?
We tend to think of New Jersey as a urban-sprawl suburb of New York,but some parts are quite rural, with rolling hills, forests, and farms. Augusta, about 60 miles northwest of New York (five hours...
View ArticleHernando County, Florida: All About the Muscle
Weightlifting is big in Florida, far bigger than swimming or water polo, and it's the biggest of all in Hernando County, 40 miles north of Tampa. The county of 172,000, tucked between the...
View ArticleIs There Beefcake at Weeki Wachee?
I can't help it, I'm fascinated by Weeki Wachee. It's burned into my brain as the biggest, tackiest, most horrifyingly lowbrow of all the roadside dreck that ever got memorialized on a postcard. What...
View ArticleLiberal Beefcake
I always thought that being "liberal" was a good thing. If you get a "liberal" serving of ice cream, you'll get three scoops, not just one. If the teacher is a "liberal"grader, you'll get an A....
View ArticleBig Mouth: The Hormone Monster Strikes Again
Big Mouth is an adult animated sitcom a 7th grader named Nick Birch (co-creator Nick Kroll), who is going through puberty with the help or hindrance of Maurice the Hormone Monster and, in the second...
View ArticleVidor: The Worst Beefcake East Texas Has to Offer
East Texas is just plain uncomfortable: the air is hot and damp as a sauna, it smells like oil all the time, every car is a red pickup truck with a confederate flag in the rear, and the people...
View Article10 Lies about Way-Co, Texas
I try to avoid everywhere in Texas, but I especially try to avoid Waco, the small town in the no man's land between Dallas and Austin. Most people had never heard of it until the 1993 siege of the...
View ArticleLutte, Lucha, and Ringen: Graeco-Roman Wrestling for Grown-Ups
The high school and college wrestling we know, with adolescents in very revealing singlets trying to pin each other, is purely American, not practiced anywhere else except in a few Canadian schools.In...
View ArticleTracking down the Mystery of Tamaqua's Mashack
Another photograph mystery: "Tamaqua's Mashack Earns Gold."Except this extremely noteworthy wrestler is obviously from Tri-Valley.1. Who is he?2.Who is Tamaqua's Mashack?The article read: "No. 1 seed...
View ArticleRichard Thomas: Falling in Love with a Photograph
When I was in junior high and high school, this was one of the most recognizable faces in America: Richard Thomas, who played Depression-era teenager John-Boy on The Waltons (1971-77).I never saw a...
View ArticleWrestling Mistakes
It's not what you're thinking. These are the times I made a mistake in naming a photo that I downloaded, so trying to track down the actual high school, college, or city turned , so it turned into a...
View ArticleA Ginger Boy for Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 1986:I'm 26 years old. living in West Hollywood, but back in Rock Island for the holidays, staying in my old room. At 6:00 pm my brother and his family and my sister's...
View ArticleAre the Pantos Gay?
Before researching my post onFather, Dear Father, I had never heard of a pantomime or panto, in spite of my years of study of English literature and hours of watching British tv. Apparently everyone...
View ArticleThe Catholic School Beefcake of Arkansas
"Catholic High's Bass Fishing Club Hooks Boys, Fathers."One of the most unlikely headlines I've ever seen. Why would a Catholic high school even have a fishing club?More unlikely: the high school is...
View ArticleWhat are Gonzaga Swimmers Hiding?
Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC is much older than the university, founded in 1821. It's about 8 blocks north of the Capitol, in a rather iffy neighborhood with railroad tracks, a U-Haul...
View ArticlePasolini's Decameron: Nudity Alone
When I was studying Italian literature at USC in the mid-1980s, I liked The Divine Comedy, Orlando Furioso, and the poetry of Michelangeo, but not Boccaccio's Decameron (c. 1350).The frame story was...
View Article10 Gay Things You Didn't Know about "White Christmas"
1. White Christmas is not about Christmas. It's a backstage musical that just happens to end at Christmastime. Backstage movies were well-known for gay subtexts.2. The songs are by Irving Berlin, who...
View ArticleTeen Idol Cagatay Ulusoy: 10 Things You Should Know
1. Cagatay Ulusoy is the star of the Netflix series The Protector. He's a former teen idol from Istanbul, but he's currently living in Santa Monica.2. Turkey is one of the most-gay friendly countries...
View ArticleThe Chubby Chaser Paradise of Ancilla College
This is Brian Windbigler, the wrestling coach for Ancilla College. I have three questions.1. Does he have arms?2. Isn't he a little portly for an athlete?3. Isn't an ancilla an aid, as in Ancilla to...
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