Laverne and Shirley
Laverne De Fazio (Penny Marshall) and Shirley Feeney (Cindy Williams) first appeared on an episode of Happy Days, when Fonzie hooks himself and Richie up with two "loose women" who are sure to "put...
View ArticleThe Confusing Beefcake of Wilkes-Barre
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, about 2 hours north of Philadelphia, is a rather run-down working-class town known primarily for the elite Wilkes University, the Mohecan Sun Casino, the Market Street...
View ArticleLaying it Bare in Key West
This is an interesting post from 2012, one of the first I posted to this blog. What's interesting are the comments. Back then I was much more forgiving of comments like "He can't be gay! He's not...
View ArticleLaredo, Texas, the Worst City in the U.S.
Worst-City.com has named Laredo, Texas the worst city in the U.S., due to its high unemployment, high rate of alcoholism, high crime rate, and minimal number of people with college degrees. Plus its...
View Article12 Hunks of "12 Monkeys"
12 Monkeys (1995) was a turgid, incomprehensible mess starring Bruce Willis as a depressed guy traveling through time to prevent an apocalypse. Toned down and made a bit less depressing, it became a...
View ArticleThe Protector: Turkish Superhero TV
The new Netflix series The Protector (2018-) is set in Istanbul, which is sort of interesting, but not very. This is an Istanbul with no sign of Islam anywhere, which is almost as annoying as the...
View ArticleThe Beefcake of Albert Lay or Lee, Minnesota
Another city name that no one can pronounce is Albert Lea, in the southeastern part of the state near the Iowa border. Is it "lee" or "lay"?I thought it was named after some Scottish ballad -- "And...
View ArticleA Remedy for Twinks
I've been doing a lot of twink-style beefcake lately. Time to get back to macho men with muscles and chest hair.This wrestler has a singlet with an eagle logo and "Jacob Curby, 1984-2010." I can't...
View ArticleLive Oak Beefcake
I never understood the Walt Whitman poem that begins "I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing."If it's growing, then it must obviously be alive, so why not just say "an oak growing."Turns out that live...
View ArticleWinthrop: A Gay Kid in 1960s Comics
When I was a kid, if you wanted a good comic strip, like The Wizard of Id or Doonesbury, you had to go across the Mississippi to Iowa and buy the Davenport Times-Democrat. A lot of people did. Rock...
View ArticleTulsa: Hiding the Gay Scene
Cavan Conley (the one in the middle, with the...um...) recently became a soloist for the San Francisco Ballet. Previously he worked for the Tulsa Ballet.Ballet? Tulsa?Tulsa?The buckle of the Bible...
View ArticleHumphrey Bogart Comes Out of the Closet
I just watched Casablanca (1942) again, about a suave American exile in World War II Morocco who helps his ex-girlfriend and her husband escape the Nazis, and was impressed by:1. The war intrigue....
View Article"I Kill Giants": Just Shoot Me
I have had the misfortune of seeing I Kill Giants (2017). It was one of several dreary choices that my relatives offered. The cover shows a girl with a battle axe facing a giant, with an evocation of...
View ArticleFinal Space: Gay Subtext, Beefcake-Heavy Sci-Fi Spoof
In the animated sci-fi series Final Space, bumbling small-time crook Gary Goodspeed (Olin Rogers) masquerades as an elite Infinity Guard pilot (to impress a girl -- he's rather aggressively...
View ArticleCamp Toodik: Two Dicks are Better than One
I thought this had to be a joke, some gay guys having fun with a made-up sign. Camp Toodik?Two dicks are better than one.Or does it mean that you can't have too much dick?But believe it or not, it's a...
View ArticleGetting Naked after Christmas: The British Boxing Day Dip
In Britain, Christmas is traditionally a time for caroling, exchanging gifts, going to pantomimes...And plunging naked into the frosty Atlantic Ocean. Porthcawl, Wales, has been holding an annual...
View Article"Bird Box": One Gay Character, Who Dies.
Bird Box appears in articles on "LGBT Movies to Watch on Netflix in December" and "Top LGBT Movie on Netflix." It even appeared on a Decider list of the "Top 50 LGBT Characters." So I watched....
View Article"God Friended Me": God Friends Gay People, Too
TV dramas often sent the protagonist out on the road, to encounter new people in different settings every episode. It provides for more plot possibilities than the "what else can we have happen at...
View ArticleYou: What's Worse, a Predatory Lesbian or a Hetero Stalker?
I don't usually watch romance movies, and I didn't even know that romance tv shows were a thing, but when you're visiting relatives, you watch what they watch, and what they watched was You.A tv series...
View ArticleThe 10 Crazy Ripped Hunks of "Crazy Rich Asians"
I don't usually watch romantic comedies, but Crazy Rich Asians (2018) was set in Singapore, it had an all-Asian cast, and it was based on a novel with a gay character. Plus it was $2.99 on Vudu, so I...
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