Who is the Killer Hunk of "The Dare"?
Ok, you've got my attention. Let's see what you look like without the weird mask.Unfortunately, IMDB says that this is a photo of: Giles Alderson, Johnny Grant, and Robert Maaser. I doubt that.The...
View ArticleSWAT: The Son of the Incredible Hulk as a Meh Cop
I never watch cop shows. After working at the L.A. Police Academy and as a juvenile probation officer, I know that they get procedures all wrong. Plus they exacerbate the belief that the crime rate is...
View ArticleWhat to Watch on New Year's Eve
We didn't go out for New Year's Eve. Bob is still recuperating (long story), I'm over fifty, and besides, where is there to go on the Plains? A straight bar? So we stayed in, had tacos, and watched...
View ArticleThe Gay Men of Roy Crane's Adventure Comics
When I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, a cute teenage boy rode by on his bicycle every morning about 6:00 am and threw a tightly-bound copy of the Rock Island Argus onto our porch. It had to...
View ArticleThe "Lost in Space" Robot Takes a Selfie
The iconic Lost in Space robot from my childhood was a clunky, clumsy thing with pincer-hands, a weird halo, and a voice box that glowed red when it said "Danger, Will Robinson."It didn't really do...
View Article"Cells at Work": Muscular Blood Cells Fight Bacilium Monsters
While browsing on Pixiv, I came across a lot of fan art (most too graphic for this site) starring a mscular blond guy with a baseball cap reading "Kill." Sometimes he was making out with, rescuing, or...
View ArticleShock Treatment: Romance is Not a Children's Game
In the summer of 1981, I went to see Shock Treatment, which was widely advertised as "the sequel to The Rocky Horror Picture Show!" Ok, so it starred Brad and Janet from the original movie, played by...
View ArticleAlice Through the Looking Glass
Lewis Carroll's books, Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, are supposed to be nonsense. Characters appear and disappear at random. There is no plot, just a series of incidents....
View ArticleAstronauts and Cave Men: It's About Time
In November 1966 I turned six, a "big boy," with a later bedtime and the freedom to watch "good tv", shows about cute boys: The Monkees, Lost in Space, Tarzan, Get Smart, Hogan's Heroes, Run Buddy Run,...
View ArticleFlannery O'Connor's Lesbian Girlfriend
I had to laugh when I was watching the recent adaption of Tales of the City, and a young Anna Madrigal cons her way into a job at the famous City Lights bookstore in San Francisco by claiming to be a...
View ArticleJosh Charles or Somebody Plays a Gay Guy in Something or Other
Last night before going to bed, I was watching the horrible second season of Lost in Space and reading my Facebook feed. I came across an article about a new tv series starring Josh Charles, who...
View ArticleHow Do We Know that Paul Robeson was Gay?
When I was in college in the late 1970s, Paul Robeson (1898-1977) was one of my heroes. I loved his booming, soul-rending "Old Man River" in Showboat:I get weary, and sick of tryingTired of living,...
View Article"Scissor Seven" As Gay as Chinese Anime Can Get
The Chinese anime Scissor Seven, originally entitled Killer Seven. premiered at the Anecy International Animated Film Festival in Anecy, France in 2018, and is now streaming on Netflix. They changed...
View ArticleSkeezix of Gasoline Alley: 1930s Gay Icon
When I was a kid in the 1960s, Dad would call me Skeezix when I misbehaved:"Put down that comic book and clean your room, Skeezix!"Particularly when my misbehaving had some connection to same-sex...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Hunks of "Lost in Space," Season 2
I can't tell you how much I hate Season 2 of Lost in Space, the reboot of the classic 1960s series about a family of space explorers that gets lost en route to Alpha Centauri. It's one ridiculous...
View ArticleRupert Grint's Biceps Drive Boys Mad
In Driving Lessons (2006), Julie Walters plays a free spirit actress who takes an interest in shy teenager Rupert Grint. She originally thinks that her protege is gay, so she knows that gay teenagers...
View Article"Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts": Spedifically, Literally, Audibly, and...
Kipo (Karen Fukuhara), a cheerful, adventurous 13-year old girl living in a post-Apocalyptic "burrow," is swept onto the surface by an underground earthquake. It's forbidden for burrow dwellers to go...
View ArticleHe-Man and the Masters of the Universe
I disliked He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983-85), the cartoon based on the Mattel toys.First of all, the term "he-man" roiled me. Whether you measure it by chromosomes, hormones, a penis,...
View Article"Living Biblically": A Hard No, In Spite of the Beefcake and Bulges
Just the title of the tv series Living Biblically is terrifying. And the plot synopsis: a guy tries to follow all of the rules listed in the Bible.Surely he doesn't plan to get circumcized, offer...
View Article"Medical Police": "Airplane" Meets "24" in Brazil
Driven pediatrician Lola Spratt (Erinn Hayes) and her goofball ex-boyfriend, cop turned brain surgeon Owen Maestro (Ron Huebel), work at the Children's Hospital in São Paulo, Brazil (where everyone...
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