Second Chance: Billy Gallo and Matthew Perry
Billy Gallo's most marketable feature was his sexy Brooklyn accent, followed closely by his pretty, androgynous face and impressively muscular physique, which he displayed every chance he got.Born in...
View ArticleThe Most Depressing Night of Television Ever
The older you get, the more often you spend thinking about the past (because there's so much of it). Plus this blog sort of forces me to. And not necessarily in a gushy, "golden age of childhood"...
View ArticleOk, Ok, Ok, Here's a Review of "Jet Boy"
An anonymous commentator is very insistent that I review Jet Boy (2001), like five requests so far. He is particularly insistent that I take a look at the star, Branden Nadon, whom he states in "Hot,...
View Article"October Faction": Two Guys Kissing, and Other Stuff
October Faction: "Monster hunters Fred and Delores tangle with evil -- and family drama."IMDB specifies that Fred's family includes "a thrill killer, a witch, and a warlock."Sounds like Buffy the...
View Article"VIctor and Valentino": Gay Half-Brothers Fight Mayan Monsters
14% of the U.S. population is Hispanic. 48 million people speak Spanish as their first language. So we need lots more animated tv shows based on Latin American folklore. Legend Quest: Masters of Myth...
View ArticleThe Top 11 Hunks of "Sabrina," Season 3
I have seen the first episode of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Season 3. It's about hot guys with their shirts off and lame literary references.As you recall, we ended last season with Satan...
View Article"Looped":: Retro-Homophobia in Middle School
And you thought this was a golden age of gay representation in children's cartoons, with gay characters (both kid and adult), open same-sex crushes, same-sex pairs dancing at parties, and minimal "girl...
View ArticleJonathan (Sigh) Whitesell: Gay, Straight, Canadian?
On tv, transgender transitions always change your sexual orientation. Women when you had male physiology, and now that you have female physiology, men. As is having a penis automatically makes you...
View ArticleAJ and the Queen: 12 Course Meal Doesn't Digest Well
Back in the days when all small-town gay bars were drag bars, I went to a lot of drag shows. I've seen Victor, Victoria, To Wong Foo, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, RuPaul's Drag Race, and Pose. But...
View ArticleFall 1985: Watching Brothers in the Hollywood Hills
When I first moved to West Hollywood in 1985, every Wednesday night my friend Mark, who introduced me to Michael J. Fox, drove me up to a house in the Hollywood Hills, where there were about twenty...
View Article12 New Tarzans for the New Year
In spring (or Groundhog Day) a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Tarzan: The Musical, dozens of high school, college, and Broadway-bound hunks stripped down to their loincloths, with...
View Article"The Stranger" (2020): One Naked Butt is Not Enough
"When a stranger makes a shocking claim about his wife, family man Adam Price becomes entangled in a mystery as he desperately searches for answers."First, I hate the phrase "family man." Why is it...
View ArticleThe Drew Carey Show
When I was living in New York, my favorite tv program was The Drew Carey Show (1995-2004). I'm still not sure why.Not because of the beefcake: Diedrich Bader (left) rarely disrobed on screen, and the...
View ArticleSilent Movie Muscle
Saw Modern Times (1936), with Charlie Chaplin. It was ok, a lot of slapstick, very episodic, heteronormative plotline. But at the beginning, during the factory sequence, there's an extended scene...
View Article3000 Posts and Counting
3000 posts! That's about 1 a day for 8 years! I originally intended this blog to capture "gay hints," mass media texts that broke the silence about gay people when I was growing up, so my first posts...
View Article"Locke and Key":: Redrum Boy, Hot Brother, and Incessant Stupidity
I was drawn to the Netflix series Locke and Key, based upon the comic book series by Joe Hill (son of horrormeister Stephen King, but he'd rather you not know that), because I heard that there were...
View ArticleConnor Jessup: The Gay Actor Playing the Semi-Straight Guy on "Locke and Key"
Did anybody else get a gay vibe in Episode 7 of Locke and Key? Sam hugging Tyler, sobbing, and complaining about how much he screwed things up? (Yeah, he killed Tyler's father and threatened him and...
View ArticleThe Mothers In Law
Why don't I remember a single scene of The Mothers in Law?Granted, the only cute guy in the cast, Jerry Fogel, never takes his shirt off, but no on on tv in the 1960s did.Granted, it ired from 1967 to...
View ArticleParikkala Patsaspuisto: The Forest of Gay Dreams and Nightmares
When we traveled from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg in 1998, the train went north to Lahti and then east, entering Russia at Vainikkala. But if you follow the border for another 75 miles, you will...
View ArticlePudge and Bum, the Beefcake Buddies of Yale University
I saw the name Pudge Heffelfinger online the other day.Ok, "pudge" means fat, and a "heffelfinger" is a sex act, so..surely this was a made-up name, from a humorous story or satire.But no, there really...
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