He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
When I was growing up in Rock Island, we were constantly policing ourselves and each other for lapses into the feminine: even seemingly minor deviance, like buttoning the top button of your shirt or...
View ArticleLegend Quest: Masters of Myths: Not Not-Gay
Who knew that a cartoon about fighting monsters could be so complex?Legend Quest: Masters of Myth (2019) sends a team of Mexican monster-fighters far and wide under the orders of some mysterious monks...
View Article"Assimilate": You Will Like Girls. Resistance is Futile
The promo for Assimilate (2019) shows two very cute guys making a web series about their horrible small town in Missouri because they need money to get out. Gay guys can relate.The townspeople start...
View ArticleThe Top 16 Hunks of "The Greenhouse"/"Greenhouse Academy"
Greenhouse Academy, now in its third season on Netflix, is a reboot of The Greenhouse (Ha-Hamana, 2012-2016) is about a brother and a sister, children of a famous astronaut, who enroll in an exclusive...
View ArticleThe Perils of Searching for a Non "Girl of His Dreams" Movie
Over 400 movies appear in theaters every year. Plus hundreds of indy movies made the film festival circuit and are now available on streaming service, which are all producing movies of their own....
View ArticleFrom Muscle Beach to the Cimarron Strip: TV Westerns
By the time I started watching TV in the 1960s, the Western was stale, outdated, staggeringly unhip; my friends and I could stomach only those few that involved a flashy new gimmick, like Wild Wild...
View ArticleBig Mouth Season 3: Hormone Monsters Become Gay Positive
I've seen Season 3 of Big Mouth, and I'm happy to report that it's become much more LGBTQ-inclusive. And inclusive of everybody else. Among the supporting cast members are a kid in a wheelchair and a...
View Article"You're Not a Monster", But You're Not Gay, Either
As Jimmy Durante would say, "Everybody wants to get into the act." (Google him.) Netflix, Vudu, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and now IMDB. Not content to be a repository of usually-accurate information about...
View Article"A Remarkable Tale": Remarkable Gay Inclusivity
A Remarkable Tale is a terrible title; the movie could be about anything. The original Spanish title, Lo Nunca Visto ("I have never seen it"), is no better. But it begins with a striking image: four...
View Article"Green Eggs and Ham": A Gay Subtext Buddy Roadtrip?
If you're under70, chances are your parents read you Green Eggs and Ham (1960), a Dr.Seuss book in which the pushy Sam-I-Am coaxes his glum dining companion to try the green stuff in various...
View ArticleDavid and Ricky Nelson: Teen Idols Show Off on the Flying Trapeze
Sons of bandleader Ozzie Nelson and his wife Harriet, David Nelson (born 1936) and his kid brother Ricky Nelson (born 1940) began their careers playing "themselves" on The Adventures of Ozzie and...
View Article"Tell Me a Story," and Be Sure to Include Biceps and Bulges
Tell Me a Story (2018-), on CBS and Vudu. "A re-imagining of classic fairy tales."Well, I've already seen Once Upon a Time, but ok, I'll give it a shot.First scene: close-up of a bare chest tattooed...
View Article10 Things You Should Know about Chris Petrovski
Someone found his way onto this website by googling "Chris Petrovski gay." I never heard of Chris Petrovski before, so I had to look him up. I discovered 10 essential facts.1. He is 27 years old,...
View Article"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse": How Is This Not a Coming-Out Movie?
Spider-Man, introduced in 1962, was one of the first in Marvel Comics' stable of flawed superheroes, a welcome counterpart to DC's indefatigibly stalwart square-jaws: high schooler Peter Parker is...
View Article"Muddy Max: The Mystery of Marsh Creek"
I didn't expect much from the graphic novel Muddy Max: The Mystery of Marsh Creek. Judging from the cover, a boy/best friend gay subtext disrupted by The Girl. But it turned out to be quite a bit...
View Article"How to Be a Latin Lover."
This Speedo shot almost makes me want to see How to be a Latin Lover. Except he isn't actually the star, he's Vadhir Derbez, playing Maximo at age 21, when he marries a 55-year old woman.We're...
View Article"The Club": Dynasty, Ecstasy, and Gay-Positive Hunks
What's with Netflix and the nondescript one-word titles. According to Wikipedia, "The Club" is the title of 4 movies, 4 tv series, 2 video games, and a radio showThis one, originally entitled El Club...
View Article"Klaus": A Silver Daddy, a Twink, and a Bagful of Toys
I'm not usually one for Christmas movies. All tinsel and holly and heteronormativity. But Klaus (2019) promised a gay (or gay subtext) romance: Jesper (indie star Jason Schwartzman) is a 19th century...
View ArticleThe Snaps of Poston Butte High School
Poston Butte High School is not in Butte, Montana. It's in San Tan, Arizona, in the far south of the Phoenix metro area, 43 miles from downtown. There is no person named Poston Butte. The high school...
View ArticleThe Soloflex Guy
In 1984, ads for Soloflex home gym equipment with this model began to appear in magazines, and an infomercial began to play nonstop on tv, and gay male teenagers all over the world froze in their...
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