TV dramas often sent the protagonist out on the road, to encounter new people in different settings every episode. It provides for more plot possibilities than the "what else can we have happen at that radio station?" of situation-bound dramas. and famous guest stars can draw in the viewers.
Sometimes the wandering busybody is an angel, or sent by God in some way. I tend to avoid those shows, as they tend to be treacly "learn to live every moment!" nonsense.
God Friended Me gives the heavenly helper a twist. Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall), who runs a popular atheism podcast, gets a Facebook friend request from "God." Obviously not the Creator of the Universe, but some provocateur, so Miles accepts. "God" suggests other Facebook friends, all of whom have problems that Miles can solve.
1. A doctor planning to commit suicide.
2. A writer with writer's block and an estranged mother gets into an auto accident, and is assisted by the doctor from Miracle #1.
3. A single mother with an autistic son.
4. A motherless teenager (Jason Genao) and a police office with a dead wife (auto accident) find each other.
5. A woman with a lost love, who turns out to be a lonely gay guy (Will Rogers, left). They are happy to reconnect as friends.
6. An alcoholic artist with a sister who died in an auto accident feels guilty.
7. A Muslim cab driver who disapproves of his daughter's Jewish boyfriend (Etai Benson, right).
8. Miles' own estranged father, a minister who disapproves of his atheism, and whose wife died in accident.
And so on. By the way, what's with all the auto accidents? Sloppy writing, or is Miles in some sort of coma after accident?
Meanwhile Miles (center) tries determine the identity of this "God" person, along with his Scoobies:
1. Cara (left), the writer from Miracle #2.
2. Ali, Miles' sister.
3. Rakesh (Suraj Sharma, right and top photo), a computer hacker.
4. Jaya, his girlfriend
5. Arthur, from Miracle #8
There's a lesbian couple and a gay man among the miracles, which raises the ire of fundamentalist Christian fans: "'s about God! It shouldn't be forcing deviant lifestyles down our throat!"
Fundie fans also tend to believe that "God" is actually God, communicating out of an updated Burning Bush. After all, who else would be able to get Miles to the exact location he needs to be in to meet the person who is connected to another person who will help them reconnect with their estranged whoever?
Sometimes the wandering busybody is an angel, or sent by God in some way. I tend to avoid those shows, as they tend to be treacly "learn to live every moment!" nonsense.
God Friended Me gives the heavenly helper a twist. Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall), who runs a popular atheism podcast, gets a Facebook friend request from "God." Obviously not the Creator of the Universe, but some provocateur, so Miles accepts. "God" suggests other Facebook friends, all of whom have problems that Miles can solve.
1. A doctor planning to commit suicide.
2. A writer with writer's block and an estranged mother gets into an auto accident, and is assisted by the doctor from Miracle #1.
3. A single mother with an autistic son.
4. A motherless teenager (Jason Genao) and a police office with a dead wife (auto accident) find each other.
5. A woman with a lost love, who turns out to be a lonely gay guy (Will Rogers, left). They are happy to reconnect as friends.
6. An alcoholic artist with a sister who died in an auto accident feels guilty.
7. A Muslim cab driver who disapproves of his daughter's Jewish boyfriend (Etai Benson, right).
8. Miles' own estranged father, a minister who disapproves of his atheism, and whose wife died in accident.
And so on. By the way, what's with all the auto accidents? Sloppy writing, or is Miles in some sort of coma after accident?
Meanwhile Miles (center) tries determine the identity of this "God" person, along with his Scoobies:
1. Cara (left), the writer from Miracle #2.
2. Ali, Miles' sister.
3. Rakesh (Suraj Sharma, right and top photo), a computer hacker.
4. Jaya, his girlfriend
5. Arthur, from Miracle #8
There's a lesbian couple and a gay man among the miracles, which raises the ire of fundamentalist Christian fans: "'s about God! It shouldn't be forcing deviant lifestyles down our throat!"
Fundie fans also tend to believe that "God" is actually God, communicating out of an updated Burning Bush. After all, who else would be able to get Miles to the exact location he needs to be in to meet the person who is connected to another person who will help them reconnect with their estranged whoever?