12 Public Hookups
Hookup websites list lots of places to meet guys in public: restrooms in shopping malls and on college campuses, heavily-wooded parks, secluded beaches. But I've never understood the attraction. It's...
View ArticleGeneral Whitman and his Cold War Boyfriend
When I was a kid in the 1960s, my parents hated books. Comic books were suspect enough -- but full-sized books would brainwash me into believing atheism and evil-lution, keep me away from healthy...
View ArticleTop 12 Public Penises of the Caribbean
When I lived in Florida, people kept trying me to go on cruises on the Caribbean. But...that would involve getting on a big boat. We've invented airplanes now, that get you there faster."But they have...
View ArticleWhy is a Comic Book Store like a Gay Bar
Remember the Summer of 1976?Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven!Bicentennial celebrations in every city.Silent Movie, Murder by Death, The OmenWelcome Back Kotter,...
View ArticleGetting Spanked at the Oscars
I had a friend in West Hollywood, Larry, who had a very nice house in the heart of Old Hollywood, walking distance to Mann's Chinese Theater, and every year he held an Oscar party for 20 or 30 gay...
View ArticleMat Botuchis
Born in 1983, Mat Botuchis got his start in one of the martial-arts -craze vehicles of the 1990s, High Noon at Mega Mountain, where he had to flex his muscles and get a girlfriend (1998). He had the...
View ArticleThe Great 2007 Hookup Contest: Midwest Muscle vs. West Hollywood Street Smarts
West Hollywood, February 2007I fly from Dayton to LAX for a job interview at Los Angeles City College. After an interview with the recruitment committee, my job talk, and dinner at a Mexican...
View ArticleSimpsons Beefcake: Homer, Bart, and Friends Bulk Up
The Simpsons is the longest running network tv program of all time, with 547 episodes to date over a period of 25 years, surpassing even The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. I watched religiously for...
View ArticleSwiss Family Robinson
When I was a kid in the 1960s, most books were gender-coded, but both boys and girls received copies of Gulliver's Travels and the Johann David Wyss classic Swiss Family Robinson (1812) for their...
View ArticleFebruary 2016: What Dustin Likes About Older Guys
Remember last January, when I went to a heterosexual party, and hooked up with the host's 21-year old son, Dustin? (Not his real name.)Dustin is in college in Minneapolis, but last week he drove out...
View ArticleThe Graduate Revisited
This post on The Graduate (1967), starring gay ally Dustin Hoffman, finds lots of gay subtexts in the tale of the alienated young man who has an affair with his girlfriend's bored Establishment...
View ArticleFebruary 2016: The Gay Kid in the Farmhouse
February 22nd, 1986: A Saturday. I'm living in West Hollywood. Alan and I go cruising at Catch One, a club that specializes in African-American men. I meet the wannabe thug T. February 20th, 1996: A...
View ArticleOrphan Black: Male Nudity, Gay Characters, and Clones
Orphan Black (2013-) is a Canadian science fiction series about a con artist named Sarah Manning who discovers that she is a clone, created through Project Leda by an evil corporation called the Dyad...
View ArticleBack to Low Risk
After three days of being "Medium Risk" according to the McAfee Site Advisor, I'm back to "Low Risk." I still have no idea what caused the flag, but it decreased traffic to the site by 20%.
View ArticleThe Stonewall Movie: Convoluted Plot, Not Enough Beefcake
I've read books on Stonewall, the riot that sparked the Gay Rights Revolution. I've seen documentaries. Now I've seen the 2015 movie.Wow, who knew it was so convoluted.1. Danny Winters (Jeremy...
View ArticleBathhouse Boy #2: In Search of Indios in Tijuana
I'm running low on Alan stories, but I hate to let him go. so here's the story of me, Alan, and the bathhouse in Tijuana.Tijuana, August 1987It's a sedate cultural center now, but in the 1980s, it was...
View ArticleFall 1993: Matt and the Bartender Frighten the Horses
San Bernardino, Fall 1993"Ok, mes amis," Matt says, "I'm going to tell you about the time j'effrayé les chevaux."Lane and I have driven 70 miles to San Bernardino to spend the weekend with my first...
View ArticlePetey's Boyfriend in "Cul de Sac"
It seems that comic strips I hate, like Blondie, go on and on and on, generation after generation of gags about napping on the couch and burnt potroasts. But comic strips I like are short lived.Cul de...
View ArticleGetting Spanked at the Oscars
I had a friend in West Hollywood, Larry, who had a very nice house in the heart of Old Hollywood, walking distance to Mann's Chinese Theater, and every year he held an Oscar party for 20 or 30 gay...
View ArticleDon Johnson and the Gay Community
Don Johnson had a close relationship with the gay community from the start. In 1968 he dropped out of the University of Kansas to enroll in the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, and...
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