10 Things You Should Know about Dylan Koroll
1. At the age of 17, he won the grand prize for modeling at the World Championship of the Performing Arts, an annual competition for aspiring singers, actors, models, and so on. It draws performers...
View ArticleThe Mysterious Time Traveling Wrestler from Thunder Bay
Sometimes our ability to use the internet to find out almost everything about almost anybody leads down some curious rabbit holes. The person in the middle is striking, too tiny to be real. He...
View Article"Revenge of Wonderland": Run Far, Far Away
I'm a sucker for all renditions of Alice in Wonderland, especially those that try to create a coherent fantasy world from Lewis Carroll's disjointed dream-journeys through the looking glass. So when...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Hunks of "Stranger Things," Season 3, Plus Some of the Plot
The tv series Stranger Things, now in its third season, is an homage to 1980s Goonies movies, with monster-fighting kids in stereotypic small-town Indiana. I watched some of the first season, but...
View Article"Us": A Horror Movie That's Not Really About Us
In 1986, the preteen Addy gets lost on the boardwalk at Santa Cruz. She's only gone for 15 minutes, but when she returns, she is so traumatized that she cannot speak. Even after recovering, she never...
View ArticleA Frustrating 3:00 am Search for a Blond Swimmer
I get up at 3:00 am and start searching for beefcake photos to accompany a story about Western Illinois University in Macomb.1. I am drawn to this extremely handsome, apparently buffed blond in a blue...
View ArticleParker Lewis Can't Lose
The 1980s was the era of the teen operator, the teenager who works behind the scenes, enraging tyrannical assistant principals and college deans. He starred in virtually every TGIF sitcom, from Family...
View ArticleThe Beefcake Bonanza of Wawasee
I was unable to find any beefcake photos from Macomb, Illinois, but one of my searches revealed an embarrassment of riches for someplace called Wawasee.1. Wrestling, swimming, track, miscellaneous...
View ArticleMidsommar: Tweak it a Little to Find a Gay Movie
I'm interested in the possibiliy of ancient pagan religions surviving in contemporary Europe, in mummer's plays and Punch and Judy, so I wanted to see Midsommar (2019) in spite of the reviews pointing...
View Article"Butcher's Block": Creepypasta Cannibals and a Naked Killer
Channel Zero spins a tv series out of a creepypasta (an online story that pretends to recount an urban legend, but has actually been invented by the author. If it works, people will "remember" other...
View ArticleDick York: Bewitching Beefcake
I imagine that most gay male and heterosexual female Baby Boomers have been desperate to see Dick York with his shirt off ever since their diaper days, when they saw him eye-bulge as Darren Stephens,...
View ArticleThe Banned Beefcake Photo of Michael Burns
You may not realize it, but every word and image on Blogger is carefully analyzed by an army of censors to make sure there are no penises. Bloody, decapitated heads and eviscerated corpses are...
View Article"Hereditary": A Gay Demon and his Boy Host
It was so easy to find gay subtexts in the gay free Midsommar that I thought I'd check out diretor Ari Aster's other movies, Hereditary (2018).Piece of cake.Surly, depressed 16-year old Peter (Alex...
View ArticleDuke Van Patten's Beefcake and Romance Photos
Duke Van Patten (the one on the left) was recommended to me as a Facebook friend because we have one "mutual friend," Christopher Atkins.Could he be related to the famous Van Patten brood of 1970s...
View ArticleSummertime Car Washes
One of the joys of summer is the car wash fundraiser. Check your local event calendar, and you'll find one or two per week: a club, class, team, or church group is raising money by washing cars. The...
View ArticleWahoo: A Fish, a Shrub, a Town, and a High School
"Wahoo" sounds like a cry of happiness or excitement, like "Yippee" or "Yahoo." But the dictionary demotes the interjection to #4, after a fish and two bushes, all based on Native American names...
View ArticleFreddie from ICarly Finally Shows Us His Chest
Remember Freddie, the nerdish video engineer on Nickelodeon's ICarly (2007-12)? It had some rather homophobic scenes, including a queer-coded Big Bad, but at least Carly and Sam had a gay subtext...
View ArticleHale Lytle: Beefcake and Buddy Bonding at Age 18
18-year old indie actor Hale Lytle has four traits that warrant fandom: an androgynous, glam appearance; 35 photos on imdb, a third of which involve someone with his shirt off; and 7 movie and tv...
View ArticleUtqiagvik, Alaska: Beefcake in the Most Isolated Town in the U.S.
Utqiagvik, Alaska (previously Barrow) is the most isolated town in the U.S. You can't drive in or out. Everything has to be flown in from Fairbanks (a 3 1/2 hour flight). so everything is frightfully...
View ArticleIs Dora the Explorer's City of Gold Worth Exploring?
Dora the Explorer (2000-2015) was a Nickelodeon cartoon series aimed at preschoolers, starring an 8-year old girl who had adventures in a Latin American jungle. I never watched -- preschool-oriented,...
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