Kurt Russell: Teen Idol Turned Man Mountain
Few actors make the difficult transition from child star to teen idol, and fewer still survive as adults in show biz. Kurt Russell did it, but he lost something along the way.Born in 1951, Kurt first...
View ArticleKen Olandt
During the 1980s, it seemed that every adult actor and teen idol spent eight hours per day pumping iron, so physiques that were merely stunning risked being overlooked in the exalted company of Robby...
View ArticleSearching for Beefcake in the Scariest Place in the U.S.
No, it's not Natchez, Mississippi, or Lynchburg, Virginia, or one of those survivalist towns in Idaho.Corvallis, Oregon.We think of Oregon as a liberal state, but outside of Portland, it gets...
View ArticleJoseph Szabo: There are Men Standing Behind the Women
There are a few gay artists out there, but the field is dominated by straight men, who will praise what they find sexually attractive and dismiss everything else. So photographers who win awards, get...
View ArticleUshuaia: The Most Remote Gay Place
There are ten things you should know about Ushuaia before making the trip.1. It's quite a jaunt, 1800 miles from Buenos Aires, 3 hours by airplane (in case you were wondering, Buenos Aires is 12 hours...
View ArticleSearching for Beefcake in the World's Biggest Shopping Mall
Roseville is a suburb of Sacramento,about 20 miles north, by the airport. If you're taking I-80, you'll go right through it, but you probably won't stop. It has the look of a suburb: endless...
View ArticleSummertime Beefcake at the County Fair
If you wanted to insult a Nazarene, you accused them of being "worldly," engaging in behavior that wasn't sinful, but veered a little too close to the behaviors of "the wicked old world."For example,...
View ArticleAlbanian Beefcake
Who isn't interested in Albania? A Balkan country where most of the population is Muslim, and the language is Indo-European but not related to any other Indo-European language, with two dialects that...
View ArticleThe Penis Festival of Greece
In the Greek Orthodox Calendar, "Clean Monday" is the start of Lent, the season where believers give up something important to them to commemorate Christ's sacrifice on Easter. In the village of...
View ArticleEugene Biscailuz: Secretly a Fruitfly?
The UCLA Digital Archives contains about 50 pictures captioned "Boys from financially disadvantaged backgrounds participate in a free summer camp in Griffith Park."The camp, organized by Sheriff Eugene...
View ArticleEverybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Chris (2005-09), loosely based on the childhood of comedian Chris Rock in the 1980s, was about a boy named Chris (Tyler James Williams) beset-upon by weird neighbors and a crazy...
View ArticleRalph N. Chubb: The Mythology of the Teenage Boy
If you're familiar with Romantic poet William Blake, you know he's not just about "Tyger, tyger, burning bright." Through many complex poems and drawings, he spins a vast mythology: Albion the...
View ArticleAsian Muscle #3: South Asia
South Asia is dominated by India, a land of 1.3 billion people speaking over 700 languages, mostly Indo-Aryan in the north (Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Assamese) and Dravidian in the South (Tamil,...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Public Penises of Hinduism
If I had to select a religion based on beefcake alone, Jainism would be #1, where the holy men walk around naked.But #2 would have to be Hinduism. Where else can you find a god who offers wisdom,...
View ArticleBhutan: Land of the Penis
Bhutan a tiny, land-locked kingdom in the Himalayas between Tibet and India, hard to get to from the West (there's only one airport, with regular flights to Bangkok, Katmandu, and Delhi).Buddhist, but...
View ArticleBeefcake Dads of 1950s Sitcoms
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a fad of nuclear family sitcoms, set in small town Mayfields, with a pipe-smoking Dad, a Mom who did housework in high heels, groovy teenagers, and...
View ArticleBatman and the Boy Wonder
The Batman tv series (1966-68), like The Adventures of Superman and The Green Hornet (1966-67) was based on a long-standing comic book series. But only loosely. The characters were the same --...
View ArticleCome Away with Me to Malibu
374 songs mention Malibu. One of my friend's housemates used to play a German song incessantly: "Come away wiz me to Malibu, to Malibu, to Malibu..."19 movies and 17 tv series have been set in Malibu....
View ArticleThe Hollow: Adam and Kai Hugging
Three teenagers awaken in a locked room with no windows or doors. They don't remember who they are, but slips of paper in their pockets give them names. As they try to escape, distinct personalities...
View ArticleMore 1970s Saturday Morning Beefcake
During the late 1970s, I watched several live-action Saturday morning tv programs, like Space Academy and The Kids from C.A.P.E.R., but the 70s Live Action Kid Vid website gives some details about many...
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