The Shea Brothers and Charlie Brown
In the 1970s, American mass media couldn't get enough of blond preteen boys. Not toddlers, but boys in late childhood, old enough to be cast as adventurous, daring, and mischievous in "boys will be...
View ArticleSummer 1981: Male Nudity in German Class
After the 1978 of Grease, my favorite Boomer summer was the summer of 1981. I went to an Italian Film Festival, moved into my own apartment, learned about the Canterbury Tales and the Beat Generation,...
View ArticleThe Gay World of Pablo Picasso
When I visited the Pablo Picasso Museum in Barcelona, I saw many portraits of women, but only a few of men, and they were all fully clothed. I concluded that the artist (1881-1973), well known for his...
View Article60 Movies I Will Never See
There are 6 basic emotions, 1 positive (happiness), 3 negative (sadness, anger, and disgust), and 2 which could be either (surprise, fear) The function of a movie, book, song, or other work of art is...
View ArticlePeople of Earth: Gay Subtexts, Gay Characters, and Grays
I love alien abduction stories. I read all of the greats: Intruders, Communion, Secret Life. The problem is, they're from the 1970s and 1980s, with a few from the 1990s. Since about 2000, there...
View ArticleDon Grady/Robbie Douglas
When I was a kid in the 1960s, a trio of teenage legs signified my bedtime on Thursday nights. Mom and Dad refused all pleas to stay up longer and investigate, though later, in our basement room, my...
View ArticleSearching for Beefcake in Fundamentalist Central
There are three things I like about this photo:1. The guy's last name is Friddle -- great name!2. He's peeling off his wrestling singlet in front of God and everybody.3. He has just lost the title to...
View ArticleThe Detour
The Detour starts with a dream family -- Dad Nate, Mom Robin, 12-year old Delilah, 11-year old Jared -- heterosexual but gay-friendly, white but conscious of white privilege, middle class but not at...
View ArticleThe Brazilian Boy Stripped Naked by Aliens
Alien abduction stories today often involve have a sexual component: the harvesting of eggs or sperm from the abductee through a mechanical device, or forced sexual activity. But the convention began...
View ArticlePeople of Earth Update: Homophobia Rears its Head
I was home alone all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so I binge watched the second season of People of Earth.Not a good idea.In case you haven't heard about it, People of Earth is a comedy about a...
View ArticleAndre the Giant: The Biggest Hands in Hollywood
When thinking of beefcake icons, Andre the Giant (1946-1993) does not immediately come to mind, but take another look at him.Not bad.Born Andre Roussimoff in 1946, a Frenchman of Bulgarian and Polish...
View ArticleCharles Starrett: Pre-War Bulge
Charles Starrett (1903-1986) was an action-adventure hero before there was such a thing. He grew up in Athol, Massachusetts, where his grandfather's L.S. Starrett Tool Company was the main employer,...
View ArticleRiver Phoenix: Running on Empty
River Phoenix died on Halloween night, 1993, at the Viper Room, a Sunset Boulevard hotspot a few blocks north of my apartment in West Hollywood. Over 20 years have passed, but he remains a gay...
View ArticleSolving the Mystery of Abe's Rumble Day 2
Another cryptic headline appeared in my feed while I was looking for photos of swimmers from Menominee, Michigan.It was attached to this picture, all in caps, with no punctuation:ABE’S RUMBLE DAY 2:...
View ArticleWrecked is a Wreck
Lost (2004-2010), about plane crash survivors facing paranormal peril on a desert island, was great. Well, it started out great, and went downhill with the secrets-with-a-secret, most of which would...
View ArticleJohnny Weissmuller: A Second Rate Tarzan
I have a confession to make: I never liked Johnny Weissmuller as Tarzan. I prefer Buster Crabbe, Herman Brix, or Mike Henry.I know, I know, he invented the Tarzan mythos. There were Tarzans on screen...
View ArticleSearching for Beefcake and Non-Booze Options in Hetero Central
I lived in San Francisco for two years, but I never visited Napa, about an hour's drive north, in the heart of Northern California wine country.I don't drink wine, or any alcoholic beverage, and back...
View ArticleWalk, Don't Run: Cary Grant's Last Gay Pickup
Walk, Don't Run (1966) is set during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, where there is a severe shortage of hotel rooms. Important businessman Sir William Rutland (bisexual actor Cary Grant) arrives with...
View ArticleCatholic Prep Schools: Otherworldly Contemplation or Beefcake?
I have always been attracted to Roman Catholic guys, probably due to the anti-Catholic sermons and Sunday school lessons I heard growing up Nazarene. They were dark and dangerous, full of secrets and...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Dreamy Boys of "Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn"
Remember when the shows on Nickelodeon were actually good? By "Good" I mean that adults could watch them without being bored to tears, the stars were teenagers, not toddlers, and there were gay...
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