Peter Koch, Forgotten Muscleman of the 1980s
The other night I was watching A Different World on Netflix, a "very special episode" where Dwayne rehabilitates two juvenile gang-bangers (played by preteen rap duo Kriss Kross). The police officer...
View ArticleA Craigslist Hookup on the Plains
Plains, December 2016 (Thankfully)Yesterday I turned in the final grades, and decided to celebrate by cruising. But not on Grindr -- I have had enough of twinks calling me "Daddy." I placed an ad on...
View ArticleKirk Douglas and his Show Biz Dynasty
Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas celebrated his 100th birthday on December 9th. He's had a career that spanned six decades. In the 1950s and 1960s he often starred in beefcake-heavy movies as Ulysses...
View ArticleHow Many Sex Partners Should You Have?
I've never understood people who brag "I've had only five sexual partners my whole life," or "I've only had two," or even "I've only had one." And everyone congratulates them, as if they've...
View ArticleAlice Through the Looking Glass
Lewis Carroll's books, Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, are supposed to be nonsense. Characters appear and disappear at random. There is no plot, just a series of incidents....
View ArticleJay R. Ferguson, Teen Idol
Born in 1974, Jay R. Ferguson first received gay teens' attention in the short-lived tv adaption of The Outsiders, about boys falling in love with each other. He had a lengthier tenure on tv series...
View Article10 Things You Should Know about Dating Teenagers
Teenagers are everywhere. They're delivering your pizzas, mowing your lawn, working out next to you at the gym, reading depressing poetry at the coffee house, texting furiously while sitting...
View ArticleAlan Thicke and his "Unusually Thicke" Family
Alan Thicke, who died on December 13th, was best known as the conservative psychiatrist dad on the Reagan Era warmedy Growing Pains (1985-1992), but he was most at ease as a mc. He got his start as a...
View ArticleFive Nights of Sharing with Kevin the Vampire
San Francisco, December 1996Dating Kevin the Vampire was exhausting. The bedroom activity was a long, complicated ordeal that took two hours minimum.There was massage with weird oils.There were ice...
View ArticleBaptism Beefcake
Baptism is a Christian ritual that symbolizes your spiritual rebirth by dunking you in water or pouring or sprinkling water on you. Liturgical denominations like the Roman Catholics and Lutherans do it...
View Article300 Naked Men Before Breakfast
I looked at over 300 pictures of naked men this morning before breakfast.Old and young, big and small, flaccid and aroused, all ages (18+), shapes, and sizes.And, if I had the time and inclination, I...
View Article10 Gay Things You Didn't Know about "White Christmas"
1. White Christmas is not about Christmas. It's a backstage musical that just happens to end at Christmastime. Backstage movies were well-known for gay subtexts.2. The songs are by Irving Berlin, who...
View ArticleCousin Buster: Growing Up a Stranger
When I was a kid, I wasn't close to most of my cousins. They were mostly teenagers or grownups, like my Cousin Joe (who I saw naked when I was 7). Or little kids, like my Cousin Tracy (born when I...
View ArticleThe Kid from "A Christmas Story"
Even though 30 years have passed, Peter Billingsley is still know as the kid from A Christmas Story (1983). You know -- the bespectacled 9-year old whose only Christmas wish is "a Red Ryder BB gun...
View ArticleSausage Sighting of My Cousin Buster
Indiana, December 1973Whenever we visited my parents' family in Indiana, I wanted to stay with my Cousin Buster, who lived in the Trailer in the Deep Woods. I liked to stay overnight in the trailer,...
View ArticleCameron Palatas: Avoid this Disney Teen Hunk
Cameron Palatas (left, with David Henrie of Wizards of Waverly Places) has appeared on ICarly, ANT Farm, and The Haunted Hathaways. He has one of the better physiques in the hunk-heavy Disney and...
View Article5 Heterosexist and 5 Gay-Inclusive Christmas Specials
Have you ever noticed that most Christmas specials are annoyingly heterosexist. Here are the worst examples:1. Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962): Why is Magoo/Scrooge so miserable? He was so...
View ArticleThe Eagle: When Gay Subtexts Aren't Enough
The Eagle (2011) is a gay-subtext romance set in Roman Britain in 140 AD.The plot is rather convoluted, but it seems to be about a young Roman soldier, Marcus Flavius Aquila (Channing Tatum), whose...
View ArticleDesperately Seeking Kevin the Vampire
San Francisco, March 14th, 2003A Friday. I'm living in Florida, but back in San Francisco for five days, anxious to visit my old hangouts and re-unite with my old friends, especially Kevin the...
View ArticleThe First Bad Kid: Barry Gordon
In 1954, the six-year old Barry Gordon made the scene with a hit single, "I'm Getting Nuttin' for Christmas (because I've been nuttin' but bad)":I broke my bat on Johnny's head;I hid a frog in sister's...
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