In Search of Auburn, Indiana
The nearest big city to my parents' home town is Auburn, Indiana, population 13,000 (doubled since I was a kid), known for its own now-defunct automobile manufacturer (1900-1937), a bank robbery by...
View Article"Malibu Rescue": You Weren't Expecting Beefcake, Were You?
Most teen movies are usually unwatchable, with all adolescent passions and intrigues omitted in favor of "Girls! Girls! Girls! If we win this race (or whatever the Maguffin is), we'll get Girls!" But...
View ArticleBeefcake and Mysticism in the Most Catholic Town in America
When my twink friend Matt invited me to visit his hometown of Mankato, Minnesota, about 3 hours away, I was expecting to be bored stiff, except for the sexy time. Surely it was just another of those...
View ArticleWhat' Has Nolan Gould Been Up To Lately?
I thought that Modern Family would end in 2019, after 10 seasons. I actually don't know anybody who watched after the first few seasons, after the novelty of seeing a gay couple (albeit highly...
View ArticleWhat the Heck is a TikTok Star?
According to Teen Idols 4 You, the 3rd most popular teen idol in the world this week is Oscar Rosenstroem. There are about a 100 beefcake photos attached to prove it.Ok, I can see his physique, but...
View ArticleEven More TikTok Stars
Ok, I went out to dinner, saw a performance of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and got a good night's sleep. I'm ready to tackle more of the endless list of TikTok Stars, teenagers who are famous for...
View ArticleBruno and Boots: A Gay Couple at MacDonald Hall
Bruno and Boots are the stars of a series of children's books by Gordon Korman, set at a down-and-out boarding school near Toronto:This Can't be Happening at MacDonald Hall (1978)Go Jump in the Pool...
View ArticleTarzan Time
It's spring, time for high school and college hunks from all over the country to put on a loincloth and dreadlocks and go vine-swinging in their local productions of Tarzan: The Musical.1. Monterey...
View ArticleCentennial HIgh: Home of the Free, Land of the Beefcake
These swimmers are from Centennial High School. A weird place to store your swimming cap.Another one of the guy on the far right flexing with whipped cream, from the same Facebook page, "Centennial...
View ArticleImposters: Gay Subtexts in a Long Con
The first episode of Imposters is nightmarishly heterosexist, but hang in there -- it gets better.The awkward, shy, but somehow extremely wealthy Ezra (Rob Heaps) works for his father's shoe company,...
View ArticleGay Neighbors in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
The toddler tv show Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (1966-2001) arrived in Rock Island when we got PBS in 1971 or 1972. I was too old for it, but my sister watched, and sometimes I caught a glimpse while...
View ArticleWhy We Read "Playgirl" in Rock Island
Back before the internet allowed us to download 100 pictures of naked men before breakfast, you got a few pictures per month, in expensive, glossy magazines. In West Hollywood, you could get In Touch...
View ArticleMale Nudity in Italian Class
The only good thing about Hell-fer-Sartain, Texas, where I taught at a horrible state college after getting my M.A. in 1984, was the free tuition for faculty. There wasn't a lot at that I wanted to...
View ArticleBeefcake in the Brackish Pools of Santa Rosa de Cabal
A friend from Colombia sent me this photo. At first I thought that this was a photo of a disabled guy with no legs.But other photos show him with legs and other beneath-the-belt parts.Upon closer...
View Article"Rim of the World": Missed Opportunity for Gayness
The first third of Rim of the World (2019) is a comedy about sardonic counselors at an elite summer camp: the two black guys who discuss white privilege, the guitar-playing lesbian, the stoner, the...
View ArticleThe Beefcake of Saginaw, Michigan
There's an old Johnny Cash song that goes:I was born in Saginaw, MichiganI grew up in a house on Saginaw BayMy dad was a poor, hard-working Saginaw fishermanToo many times he came home with too little...
View Article"Bangkok Love Stories": Lots of Beefcake, No Local Color
Of course I'm going to watch a tv series in the Thai language, which is not related to Chinese, Vietnamese, or any other of the major languages of East and Southeast Asia. Even if it has a stupid...
View ArticleBeefcake and Heterosexism in the Top 10 Country-Western Twangs
Yesterday the aerobics room in the gym was playing Country-Western music again. I hid in the free weight room, where they were playing Classic Rock,but some of the machines are out in the other room,...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Pop Songs: Beefcake and Gay Icons
Yesterday I discovered that the most popular country-western songs involve rather gym-deficient white guys asking girls for dates, discussing their girlfriends' hotness, or crying in their beer after...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Rap Songs: "All Rappers but Me are Gay"
Not being a fan of contemporary music, I had no idea that there was such a dramatic difference in genres. Not so much in theme: most songs are about getting, losing,or being in a romantic...
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