It's spring, time for high school and college hunks from all over the country to put on a loincloth and dreadlocks and go vine-swinging in their local productions of Tarzan: The Musical.
1. Monterey High, California. That's a gigantic loincloth. I guess they didn't want any accidents.
2. Like what happened with this Tarzan from Dixie High (in St. George, Utah, not in the South). Fortunately he was wearing an under-loincloth.
3. Rockford University, Illinois. "Loincloth" is the first word I learned through reading, back when I was five or so, and my parents bought me an abridged Tarzan at the supermarket. It said that Tarzan was "naked," so he killed a leopard and made a "loincloth" from its skin.
4. This Sterling, Illinois Tarzan seems quite proud of his physique.
5. Palo Alto Dinner Theater, California. That crouching pose is commonly used for posters.
6. Springfield, Oregon New Hope Christian College. Same pose, bigger biceps.
7. Trinity High School, probably the one in Louisville, Kentucky. I understand painting on abs, but painting on pecs?
8. Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School, Hyde, Pennsylvania. Nice to see a Tarzan with a little bulk. Apparently you can get pie in the jungle.
9. Bangs High School, Bangs, Texas. No dreads, thank God.
10. Newark High School, New Jersey. Newark is 50% black and 36% Hispanic. What are the odds that they would cast a white boy?
Here's what he looks like as a civilian. An ordinary high school drama club kid transformed by the magic of the stage into a superhero.
1. Monterey High, California. That's a gigantic loincloth. I guess they didn't want any accidents.
2. Like what happened with this Tarzan from Dixie High (in St. George, Utah, not in the South). Fortunately he was wearing an under-loincloth.
3. Rockford University, Illinois. "Loincloth" is the first word I learned through reading, back when I was five or so, and my parents bought me an abridged Tarzan at the supermarket. It said that Tarzan was "naked," so he killed a leopard and made a "loincloth" from its skin.
4. This Sterling, Illinois Tarzan seems quite proud of his physique.
5. Palo Alto Dinner Theater, California. That crouching pose is commonly used for posters.
6. Springfield, Oregon New Hope Christian College. Same pose, bigger biceps.
7. Trinity High School, probably the one in Louisville, Kentucky. I understand painting on abs, but painting on pecs?
8. Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School, Hyde, Pennsylvania. Nice to see a Tarzan with a little bulk. Apparently you can get pie in the jungle.
9. Bangs High School, Bangs, Texas. No dreads, thank God.
10. Newark High School, New Jersey. Newark is 50% black and 36% Hispanic. What are the odds that they would cast a white boy?
Here's what he looks like as a civilian. An ordinary high school drama club kid transformed by the magic of the stage into a superhero.