Hap and Leonard: Gay, Black, and Angry in East Texas
I would never in a million years have believed that Joe R. Lansdale, a writer and martial arts expert who grew up in Gladewater, East Texas and now lives in Nacogdoches, East Texas, would have written...
View ArticleHow Many WS Wrestling Teams Can There Be?
I'm naturally interested in finding out what high school or college permits its wrestlers to wear such revealing outfits.Here's another. You'd actually see less if he was completely naked.Surely it...
View ArticleThe Homophobia of "Rocky and Bullwinkle"
Rocky and Bullwinkle (1959-64, and rehashed into many different series during the 1960s) is often praised as genius, a classic of animation. Amazon promises: "the wittiest, most inspired, and...
View ArticleChampions: Gay Kid with Two Dads
TV series that failed after only 10 episodes used to fade into oblivion. Now they are picked up by streaming services, Amazon Prime, Vudu, and Netflix. But streaming services also have self-contained...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Teen Titans
Remember the Teen Titans of 1960s DC comics, pushing together various DC teen sidekicks, including Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Robin and Superboy (he's actually the teenager version of today's...
View ArticleThomas Lennon: From Dangle to Felix
How much do you hate mockumentaries? They're contrived and ridiculous (were camera crews really following around the Modern Family families for 10 whole years?), and they demolish suspension of...
View ArticleTranslating the Twink Tweet
The problem with having so many twink friends is, half the time I don't know what they are talking about. Mass culture changes so fast that it's impossible to keep up. Today one of the twinks I...
View ArticleThe Gay Connection of "Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles"
Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles. An instant New York Times bestseller! A cross between J. Rowling and Douglas Adams! The next Harry Potter!Ok, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of my...
View ArticleDeadly Class
Deadly Class (2019), based on the American comic book series, is set in a weird dystopian Reagan-era, gay-free San Francisco. Marcus (Benjamin Wadsworth) lost his parents in a freak accident, was put...
View ArticleThe Beefcake of Worst Place in the Worst Place in the World
The worst place in the world is Houston Hell-fer-Sartain Texas, where I had the displeasure of spending a miserable year in 1984-85. If you count trips out of the state at Christmas and spring break,...
View ArticleThe Mystery of LaGrange
My father was born in LaGrange County, Indiana, in the far north of the state, on the Michigan border. When he was five years old, he was adopted by the Davis family and moved to Garrett. He didn't...
View ArticleToo Many Jaguars
I was interested in the location of this stripping wrestler. All I had to go on was the sweatshirt of the coach behind him, "Jaguar Wrestling."Piece of cake. How many teams could possibly be named...
View ArticleThe Sandites of Queen City
Casteel High School is in one of the most depressing places on Earth: in the Saddlewood neighborhood of Queen Creek, Arizona, on the far southeastern end of the Phoenix megapolis (37 miles from...
View ArticleSmalltown Boy: Subtext Songs of the 1980s
After the demise of the drag-queen ABBA and the faux-gay Village People, I started listening to popular music more aggressively, looking for "real" gay-friendly songs. Or at least songs with subtexts....
View ArticleAlexandria, Minnesota: Not the Home of the Vikings
Every year Dad got a two-week vacation. We spent the first week visiting relatives in Indiana, and the second...ugh... camping. Five days and six nights in a horrible camper or drafty cabin with no...
View ArticleAlf: from Melmac to West Hollywood
Alf (1986-90) was one of the "I've got a secret" sitcoms of the late 1980s (others included Harry and the Hendersons, Out of This World, and My Secret Identity). It aired on Monday nights, opposite...
View ArticleThe Augie Auggies
I understand having a college named Augie. I graduated from Augustana. But our team was the Vikings. The Augsburg College "Auggies" doesn't conjure an image of anything strong, powerful, aggressive,...
View Article"Sorry to Bother You": I'm More Bored than Bothered
In January 2018, LaKeith Stanford, rapper and tv star (Atlanta), released a rap video in which he ridiculed "fags" and disapproved of a clothing style as "gay shit." A few days later, his movie Sorry...
View ArticleHiram and Ethan Escape from the Fair Folk
Preston's Station, Kentucky, July 1800In 1800 Kentucky was still called the Dark and Bloody Land, wild and lawless. The state was only 8 years old; Hiram's town of Preston's Station (now...
View Article"RIverdale" Season 3: Turgid Plot, Endless Beefcake
Riverdale, the turgid soap opera starring the abs of K.J.Apa, based very roughly on characters from Archie comics, is now in its third season. The plotlines about serial killers, gang leaders, and...
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