The Marvelous Dollhouse
Winter 1967, second grade at Hansche School in Racine, Wisconsin. A girl -- I think she was Pam, who officiated at my wedding to Doug last year -- asked me to come over to her house after school to...
View ArticleWhy You Should Be Watching "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has been airing on FX since 2005, but since it has less than half of the number of episodes of an ordinary sitcom, it's only up to about 100 episodes to date.The...
View ArticleWild Things: The Gay Art of Maurice Sendak
Adults like to think of childhood as a blissful Eden, a period of endless joy, unblemished by anxieties over money or sex or death. But they're wrong. Childhood is terrifying and painful, crowded...
View ArticleBobby Edner: Gay-Positive Child Star Grows Up and Bulks Up
In the short film The Seventh Sense (2001), a boy named Kyle (Bobby Edner) develops the mystical ability to see gay people. The only problem is, they don't know they're gay. With the help of...
View ArticleFall 1980: Tricking My Friend into a Date
Haldor and FriendAt the start of my junior year at Augustana College, I liked a member of the Bookstore Gang named Haldor (his real name, he was Swedish), tall, muscular, with a cute nerdish quality,...
View ArticleSpring 2003: Finding a Boyfriend at the Horsemen's Club
Not Janik or meJust after getting my Ph.D., when I was working in Florida (2001-2005), I tried to go to Europe every year at Christmas or spring break: a weekend in Amsterdam, a night in Brussels,two...
View ArticleCameron Palatas: Avoid this Disney Teen Hunk
Cameron Palatas (left, with David Henrie of Wizards of Waverly Places) has appeared on ICarly, ANT Farm, and The Haunted Hathaways. He has one of the better physiques in the hunk-heavy Disney and...
View ArticleSpring 1981: The Gay Cult Member
My goal during my junior year at Augustana College was to find one gay student. Lots of guys were willing to do things in the dark, in secret, like Haldor who challenged me to a "dating contest," or...
View ArticleErik Palladino: The Guy from "Latter Days" Goes Gay-Vague
Every gay-themed movie of the 1990s and early 2000s had to have a character dying of AIDS. In Latter Days (2003), it was Keith (Erik Palladino), who had nothing much to do with the plot, except to...
View ArticleSergi Lopez: Gay Characters and Frontal Nudity in Three Languages
You probably remember Sergi Lopez as the evil Captain Vidal in Pan's Labyrinth (2006). The polyglot actor (fluent in Spanish and French as well as his native Catalan) has appeared in over 60 movies,...
View ArticlePapadopoulos & Sons: My Big Fat Gay Brother
If you haven't had enough of the "see how colorful and funloving the Greeks are!" yet, check out Papadopoulos & Sons (2012). Millionaire Harry Papadopoulous (Stephen Dillane of Game of Thrones)...
View ArticleJoe Namath Wearing Pantyhose
Beginning in 1973, TV viewers were treated to the gender-bending sight of 30-year old former pro football player and perennial tv guest star Joe Namath wearing pantyhose. "I don't wear pantyhose," he...
View ArticleThe Full Monty
In the grim industrial town of Sheffield, ne'er do wells Gaz (Robert Carlyle, center) and Dave (Mark Addy) come up with an innovative way to make money -- they'll perform as male strippers, and make up...
View ArticleNBC Experiment in Television: The Cube
February 23, 1969. NBC Experiment in Television: The CubeA Man (Richard Schaal, a regular guest star on tv sitcoms) awakens in a square white room covered in a four-by-four grid. He doesn't remember...
View ArticleWake in Fright: Gay Savagery in the Australian Outback
John Grant (Gary Bond) is a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Tiboonda, a small town in a searing, endless desert in the Australian outback. Too fey, sophisticated, and pretty to feel at home...
View ArticleSummer 1981: Adam and I Sleep Together, Sort Of
During my junior year at Augustana College, I knew lots of guys who liked guys at night, in the dark, but they always went back to their chants of "girls! girls! girls!" in the morning. I kept looking...
View ArticleSummer 1974: Engaged
I have a confession to make: during the summer after 8th grade at Washington Junior High, shortly after my boyfriend Dan and I decided to run away to Saudi Arabia together, I got engaged. To a...
View ArticleAdam DeVine: Amazing Physique, Homophobic Past
If you've been watching Modern Family, you're probably wondering about Andy, the sweet, cheerful, ultra-feminine guy with a jaw-dropping physique that Gloria hires as a nanny for the baby, to the...
View Article10 Reasons Why "Kiss Me, Kate" is a Gay Classic
1. It's a musical about the backstage antics during a performance of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, which has a gay subtext. The dissolute Petruchio comes to Padua to marry a woman for her money...
View ArticleShannon Kook-Chun: The Gay Footballer from Degrassi
Do you think the muscular Asian guy on the left is gay?Nope, heterosexual.No, really. I can prove it. You wouldn't believe what I erased from this photo of him and a few friends doing tequila...
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