Remember Sesame Street?
One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong.
A foot shorter than the others, shoulder length hair amid short haircuts, and a red Speedo amid black.
Here's a closeup. That mysterious X over his head just interferes with the guy behind, so it's not in the background. It's over his head.
Maybe he's a ghost, or a time traveler from the future, someone or something that showed up on the film, but no one saw at the time.
To add to the mystery, the photo is captioned "Grand Haven, Montana." No such place exists.
There's a Grand Haven in Michigan, population10,000, known for its Atlantic City-style boardwalk and annual Musical Fountain Show. The high school, home of the Buccaneers, has a wrestling team, but not a swim team.
Wait -- the Grand Haven newspaper discusses more than Grand Haven itself.
Spring Lake is long, narrow a peninsula on the other side of the river from Grand Haven.The top photo is of the Spring Lake High swim team, March 2016. The short guy in the front center is Noah (last name spelled two different ways), a freshman doing the 1-meter race.
Here he is in 2015 with his brother (also a swimmer) and brother's prom date or something.
He's in articles about the swim team often in 2015 and 206.
And gotten a haircut. And traded in his Speedo for boxers.
Tres pedestrian. I liked him better when he was a ghost