My first question is, "What is Sem?"
My second is, what store has all those cool swords for sale?

And mirrors for selfie-taking.
Turns out to be Wyoming Seminary, which is neither in Wyoming nor a seminary. It's a boarding and day school for boys and girls, dating back to 1844.
The upper school (grades 9-12) is in Kingston, Pennsylvania, and the lower school (grades k-8) is in nearby Fort Forty. No LGBT club, but the nondiscrimination policy includes "sexual orientation."
Only 800 students in the upper school, but that 800 really gets around. I counted 27 boys and 6 girls on the wrestling team. This is just a sample.
They're much more likely than most wrestling teams to pose shirtless.
With parents, friends, coaches, girlfriends, boyfriends, whoever. They're not self-conscious.

This wrestler is perfectly mellow about showing off his biceps, chest, and other parts.
This one, too.
This wrestler even looks serene and peaceful during a match, as he tries to pin his opponent.
Here the team is apparently napping together, but one guy sneaks a look at his cell phone.
I never did find the sword store.