The Cumberland Mountains, in the southeastern Appalachians, around where Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virgina meet, are isolated, sparcely populated, very depressed and very scary.
This is where people use vocabulary leftover from Shakespeare's day and sing ancient ballads like "Barbara Allen."
It's the home of snake handlers, faith healers, witches, haints, and prejudice. 80% of the population is Baptist of the most conservative variety, and most of the rest is fundamentalist of various stripes. You get drunk on Saturday night and slain in the Spirit on Sunday morning.
So why would anyone want to go to college there?
In 1889, some of the Baptist churches of Eastern Kentucky combined their resources to open a Bible college, the Williamsburg Institute, in the village of Williamsburg. It was a good site for a Bible college, since local law forbade taverns, gambling,brothels, and premarital sex.
Later the Williamsburg Institute became Cumberland College, then the University of the Cumberlands. Today it has 1300 undergraduate students, 800 online, and 900 graduate, drawn from 36 states.
Although it gets funding from the State of Kentucky, it is exempt from Title IX, so it is free to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It will not only expell you for being gay, it will expell you for "promoting homosexuality," that is, for being pro-gay.
Almost as bad as the Nazarenes.
It makes me feel guilty for posting these pictures of the wrestling team frolicking.
They're engaging in activities like rope climhing and mud-wrestling, team-building, I suppose. Male bonding in the absence of same-sex desire, I suppose.
Learning to be gender polarized, macho, bullying, and intolerant. Although I imagine that they were probably intolerant long before coming to college.
Bulges and biceps for ladies' viewing only. Let them know that you find them hot, and they will attack.
I could be wrong. There could accidentally be a pro-gay student who managed to avoid the homophobic indoctrination.
If not on the wrestling team, then on the swim team.
(Look carefully; this guy isn't ripping off his swimsuit. That's someone else's leg)
This is where people use vocabulary leftover from Shakespeare's day and sing ancient ballads like "Barbara Allen."
It's the home of snake handlers, faith healers, witches, haints, and prejudice. 80% of the population is Baptist of the most conservative variety, and most of the rest is fundamentalist of various stripes. You get drunk on Saturday night and slain in the Spirit on Sunday morning.
So why would anyone want to go to college there?
In 1889, some of the Baptist churches of Eastern Kentucky combined their resources to open a Bible college, the Williamsburg Institute, in the village of Williamsburg. It was a good site for a Bible college, since local law forbade taverns, gambling,brothels, and premarital sex.
Later the Williamsburg Institute became Cumberland College, then the University of the Cumberlands. Today it has 1300 undergraduate students, 800 online, and 900 graduate, drawn from 36 states.
Although it gets funding from the State of Kentucky, it is exempt from Title IX, so it is free to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It will not only expell you for being gay, it will expell you for "promoting homosexuality," that is, for being pro-gay.
Almost as bad as the Nazarenes.
It makes me feel guilty for posting these pictures of the wrestling team frolicking.
They're engaging in activities like rope climhing and mud-wrestling, team-building, I suppose. Male bonding in the absence of same-sex desire, I suppose.
Learning to be gender polarized, macho, bullying, and intolerant. Although I imagine that they were probably intolerant long before coming to college.
Bulges and biceps for ladies' viewing only. Let them know that you find them hot, and they will attack.
I could be wrong. There could accidentally be a pro-gay student who managed to avoid the homophobic indoctrination.
If not on the wrestling team, then on the swim team.
(Look carefully; this guy isn't ripping off his swimsuit. That's someone else's leg)