Geoffrey Owens, the extremely hot actor who played Elvin on The Cosby Show, was allegedly spotted by a shopper named Karma Lawrence bagging groceries at Trader Joe's, and instead of asking for his autograph, snapped his picture and called Fox news. "It was a shock to see him working there and looking the way he did," she said. "It made me feel really bad. I was like, 'Wow, all those years of doing the show and you ended up as a cashier."
Wow, indeed.
Bad job shaming: you should feel bad for taking a job in a grocery store. It's beneath you. It's unmanly.
Plus fat shaming: "Looking the way he did."
Um...lots of actors take other jobs to make ends meet. It goes with the territory. Nothing to be ashamed of.
And gaining a few extra pounds is rather common for guys in their 50s. Your metabolism slows down as you age.
Wait a few years. You'll find out.
But being chubby does not diminish your attractiveness. I wouldn't say no to a dinner-movie date with this guy.
Or a hookup request.
It's just that I'm not so sure that he's actually Geoffrey Owens.
Geoffrey Owens has been working constantly, on screen and stage, in some rather prestigious productions, like Wilde Salome and Romeo and Juliet. I doubt that he actually needs the extra money.
Plus the hair is wrong, and he's not that big.
I still want to see the guy at Trader Joe's naked.
Here's another Geoffrey Owens. I want to see him naked, too.