Born in 1988, Canadian actor Ryan Cooley has appeared in several gay- and lesbian-subtext programs, such as I was a Sixth Grade Alien (1999-2001), as the alien, with future bodybuilder Daniel Clark as his human buddy, and the Disney Channel's Color of Friendship (2000), about a white South African girl and her black American friend.
Also four tv programs with gay characters:
1. The sci-fi series Lexx (1997-2002), about intergalactic explorers, including the bisexual cluster lizard Zev/Xev (Eva Habermann, Xenia Seaberg). He played the psychopathic schoolboy Digby in a three-episode story arc.
2. The gay-themed Queer as Folk (2000-2005): Hank, son of Dr. David Cameron (Chris Potter).
3. Degrassi: The Next Generation(2001-2007): Class clown J.T. Yorke, who likes girls, sells drugs, and is murdered. Several gay characters.
3. Lost Girl (2010-), about a succubus (girl who draws energy from her sex partners) trying to live a normal life. Several lesbian and bisexual characters.
Actually, almost all of Ryan's on-screen appearances have had gay texts or subtexts. As well as frequent shirtless shots. But he's never played a gay character himself. Wonder why.
Well, let's see who he follows on twitter: Jerry Seinfeld, Tiger Woods, Dick Van Dyke, Chuck Norris, Don Rickles, Charlie Sheen, Jim Carey, and Ryan Seacrest. No supermodels in the bunch, but not a lot of beefcake models, either.
I'd have to judge this one as inconclusive.