Wilton Manors, February 2004
The main rule about sharing boyfriends and hookups was: a couple brought in a third person.
During the 1980s, it was always romantic partners bringing in a close friend or roommate.
By the 1990s, the couple could also be a pair of close friends, and the third person a stranger, as long as there was a date first.
But you never shared with four. I can remember only a few times when that happened. It was always a little weird, and made me feel uncomfortable afterwards.
1. The multiracial four way with Lane.
2. The live sex show that we put on for Alan.
3. Victor and his Sleazoid Daddy
During the winter, hundreds of wealthy snowbirds from New York invade Wilton Manors, clogging the streets, crowding the bars and restaurants, throwing money around -- and prowling for beach boys. Suddenly Daddies have some Sugar Daddy competition, so if you're over 40, and you don't have a boyfriend by Thanksgiving, you're likely to go dateless through Valentine's Day.
It was Valentine's Day 2004, I was 43 years old, and I hadn't had a date since Thanksgiving. An occasional hookup, some afternoons at the Club, and not much else.
So when Victor at Barney's Gym stopped me in the locker room and asked me for a date, I consented, even though he wasn't exactly my type. He was in his 20s, muscular, with a smooth chest and a nice uncut Bratwurst, but his long, narrow face, tattooed biceps, and rings were a turnoff.
Over dinner at a Thai place in Oakland Park, Victor told me that he was Cuban-American, from Miami. He moved to Wilton Manors two years ago, had a job as some kind of juice distributor -- and had a boyfriend, Jauvier.
"He's a snowbird. He lives in New York, and only flies down to Florida in the winter. So we're allowed to date other guys, but when he's in town, we have to share."
Ok -- Lane and I engaged in that sort of dating quite often back in West Hollywood. What does this Jauvier look like?
"Oh, he's very hot. An older guy -- a Daddy, like you. Shorter than me, very muscular, blond, a short beard, super hung."
Blond? "Isn't he Hispanic?"
"Well, more of a redhead. In Spanish, rubio could mean either."
The rest of the story, with nude photos and sexual situations, is on Tales of West Hollywood