A Saturday morning. Yuri bursts into my room at 6:00 am.
"Time to get up!" he exclaims. "We must go soon. Jake has many plans for us today."
"Jake...what? Who?" I murmur.
"You made me go with the sleazoid Jauvier last week, so now it is my turn. I told you before, remember? Jake, I met him on the internet? We will visit today, and stay the night, and share."
"The whole day and night?" I complain. "I just inflicted Jauvier and Victor on you for a couple of hours."
"Sure, but it takes three days to get the smell of his odekolon out of my room."
"Well -- can I at least see a picture of this guy in advance?"
"No. It will be a surprise."
Gulp. Yuri knows all of my turn-ons...and turn-offs. Is he going to fix us up with the date from hell?

The full story, with nude photos and sexual situations, is on Tales of West Hollywood.