Is it Racist to Have a Type?
I've met many white guys who say things like "I'm not at all racist, I'm just not into Black men sexually." Or Asians, or Hispanics, or Native Americans...When I look surprised, they continue: "It's a...
View ArticleThe Finnish Sauna Championships
Today every health club has a sauna, a little wooden room where the temperature is high so you can sit around naked, sweating in either wet or dry heat, with relaxation and maybe other benefits.It's a...
View ArticleRaul and My Bed-Switching Roommate
In the fall of 1986, shortly after I returned from Japan, I was living with Alan, who dragged me to the gay Asian bar Mugi twice a week. Our other roommate, Chaiyo, was from Thailand. I was taking a...
View ArticleTwenty Years, 10,000 Naked Men, Part 1: Asian to Hung
When I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, you never saw a penis except in the locker room after gym class. No pictures. There were plenty of pictures of naked women, but male dangly bits were deemed...
View ArticleOne Day at a Time
Why would gay teenage boys like One Day at a Time (1975-1984), the sitcom about Indianapolis divorcee Ann Romano (Bonnie Franklin) and her two teenage daughters? Sure, it was hip and "with it," one of...
View Article10,000 Naked Men, Part 2: Kilts to Pairs
I'm reviewing my collection of 9,248 pictures of men collected from 20 years of internet bulletin boards and blogs. Last time: Asian to Hung.Kilts. Several dozen photos, both posed and candid,...
View ArticleHeterosexual Centaurs, Demons, and Ogres
I have been reading Piers Anthony's Xanth novels, on and off, ever since the first, A Spell for Chameleon in 1979. They are set in a fantasy land that bears a striking resemblance to the mundane...
View Article10,000 Naked Men, Part 3: Punks to Urinals
During my first 30 years, there were no photos of naked men available anywhere, or you could get them only occasionally, in expensive, hard-to-find magazines. Then suddenly, around 1995, internet...
View ArticleSon of Mr. Blowfish: Hooking Up in the Professor's Office and Everywhere Else
In the summer of 2003, I visited my old speech teacher, Mr. Lundquist, aka Mr. Blowfish, in Washington, Iowa. I ended up asking my sister-in-law if I could borrow her car for another day, then driving...
View ArticleMackenzie Astin: Bisexual-Inclusive
In 2011, Mackenzie Astin starred in Caught at the Zephyr Theater in Los Angeles. He played a gay man blissfully planning a wedding with his partner (Will Beinbrink), when suddenly his Bible-thumping...
View ArticleAndy's Gang: Beefcake and Bonding on 1950s Children's TV
The earliest generation of Boomer kids have fond memories of tv programs that, at least to modern sensibilities, seem outlandish and bizarre. You Can't Do That On Television in the 1980s can't even...
View ArticleThe Bisexual M&M
I really dislike advertising mascots who belong to the group that is being eaten. There's something grotesque and ghoulish about sentient beings proclaiming how good they taste after being killed and...
View ArticleThe Cornhole Champion of Western Ohio
When Chuck, my Friend with Benefits in Dayton, said that he was the cornhole champion of Western Ohio, I was mildly surprised. "No, really, I've won trophies. They're still on display in my parents'...
View ArticleTom of Finland
When I was in grad school in Bloomington, Indiana in the early 1980s, I used to buy a gay porn magazine at College Avenue Books: In Touch for Men, which featured not only pictures of naked men, but...
View ArticleScott the Theater Major: the Most Risque Story on this Blog
The story about Scott, the theater major with the professor fetish, is probably the most risque on the blog.The bondage isn't the most risque part.He was 22 years old, and I had just turned 54, an age...
View ArticleThe Man from U.N.C.L.E.
I missed most of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964-68). First it was on past my bedtime, and then there were too many competing choices (The Time Tunnel, Hogan's Heroes) -- so I watched only sporadically,...
View ArticleCruising in the Cub Scouts
I was never a Boy Scout, but I was a Cub Scout -- for about five minutes in the winter of fourth grade.They promoted it heavily in school, with film strips and guest speakers, and a giant assembly...
View ArticleParker Lewis Can't Lose
The 1980s was the era of the teen operator, the teenager who works behind the scenes, enraging tyrannical assistant principals and college deans. He starred in virtually every TGIF sitcom, from Family...
View ArticleA Beefcake Tour of the Louvre
I love the Louvre. I could go every day. But everybody else on Earth, literally, wants to visit, too. It gets 8,000,000 visitors per year, so if you're not careful, you'll be caught up in the...
View ArticlePlaying Outside
When I was a kid, I hated bright, sunny days. I much preferred dark, cloudy, and rainy.I know, it made me weird. In People of the Lie, M. Scott Peck states that people who prefer cloudy days are...
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