The Gay Villages of Sonia and Tim Gidal
When I was little, my search for a "good place" often led me to the My Village books. Tim Gidal (1909-1996) was a a pioneer in the field of photojournalism and a respected academic at the New School...
View ArticleGuy Madison: the Strong Silent Type
Hollywood hunks of the 1950s were often gay or gay-friendly; whole cadres hung out at talent agent Henry Willson's infamous all-male parties in the Hollywood Hills. In a studio attempt to quell gay...
View ArticleThe Hookup at the Sleepover
When I was a kid, the Baby Boom was in full swing, so we rarely did anything alone. I invited a friend for dinner, or got invited to dinner, at least once a week. I invited a friend to stay over...
View ArticleHow To Date Younger Guys (When You're Over 40)
Ever since I turned 40, some fourteen years ago, I have a simple strategy for getting dates or hookups with twinks (guys under age 30):1. Go to wherever they are.2. Wait 30 seconds for one to approach...
View ArticleDavy Jones and the Monkees
One of my first crushes was on Davy Jones, singer for the pre-fab boy band The Monkees. In fact, the first album I ever bought (or rather, asked Mom and Dad for) was The Monkees (1966), because it...
View ArticleThe Lone Ranger and Tonto: The First Gay Couple
When I was a kid in the 1960s, we were all about astronauts and outer space. Cowboys were strictly for squares. We had a few cowboy toys, presented by clueless adults, but we didn't dare bring them...
View ArticleSpring 1998: The Muscle Bear Who Was Not Into Sharing
In the spring of 1998, when I was dating Joe the Regular Guy, we took the train up the Hudson Valley to Rhinebeck to visit his ex boyfriend Travis, the first guy he ever dated, back when he was a...
View ArticleThe Top 10 Public Penises of Prague
It's 8 hours by train from Antwerp to Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, but worth it. Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Try the view from Charles Bridge at night, looking...
View ArticleBobby Sherman Gets With Wes Stern
In the spring of 1971, Bobby Sherman was probably the #1 teen idol in the country,or maybe #2 to David Cassidy of The Partridge Family. He had a dozen hit singles, including "Easy Come Easy Go" and...
View ArticleFall 1980: Gather the Faces of Men: Modern American Lit
When I was a junior in college, I took courses in "The Modern British Novel", "The American Renaissance," and "Modern American Literature," plus German, French, and Spanish Literature. And I forever...
View ArticleBreakfast of Champions
Gay kids in the 1960s had to get their beefcake wherever they could, even at breakfast. Whenever Mom asked "What cereal do you want?", you had to decide between the cereal that tasted good or the one...
View ArticleThe Gay Connection of Celtic Gods
When I was a kid in the 1960s, the Celtic world was everywhere. Mr. Bass in The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet was from Aberstywyth, Wales, Rich and Sean exchanged a look that meant...
View ArticleDavid Labiosa: the Biggest Bulge on Seinfeld
Seinfeldwas not well known for its beefcake. There was a parade of spongeworthy guest stars, such as Anthony Starke in "The Jimmy" (1995), but they were rarely displayed shirtless or in swimsuits. But...
View ArticleMr. Muscle Doctor Big Basket and the Cambodian Angel
One night at Mugi a very large Asian drag queen in a flowered chemise and blond hair approached me.Before I had a chance to give Attitude, she grabbed my hand. "I am Auntie Bopha. From Kampuchea....
View ArticleAnimaniacs: Heterosexist to the Max
In a 1992 episode of Tiny Toon Adventures,Buster and Babs help some outdated black-and-white cartoon characters from the 1930s, who become so popular that Tiny Toons is cancelled to make room for their...
View ArticleShocking the Nazarenes with C. S. Lewis
When I was growing up, the Nazarene church disapproved of reading almost anything except the Bible and some religious books. Beliefs that Matter Most, by the Nazarene W. T. Purkiser? Ok. The Late...
View ArticleSuperhero Sidekicks in Bondage
Pulp magazine covers often featured a woman drawn in the style collectors called GGA or Good Girl Art, tied to something and about to be murdered or violated by a drooling villain, while the hero...
View ArticleDark Shadows: David Collins, the Gay Heir to the Throne
I loved the Gothic soap opera Dark Shadows (1966-71), though in retrospect I didn't see it very much. It came on just as the school day was ending, so if my friends and I ran fast, we could catch the...
View ArticleMay 2015: A Guy with Daddy Issues Tears My Clothes Off
Ever since I wimped out on Raphael, the Gay Psychic Angel, who was perfect in every way except that his arms didn't work, I have felt guilty. I should have called -- I would have called -- except I...
View ArticleBamm-Bamm's Muscles: Gay Promise on "The Flintstones"
Quick, name a cartoon character who came from outer space, was adopted by a human family, and has superpowers?Right, Bamm-Bamm Rubble.In an October 3rd, 1963 episode of The Flintstones, about "a modern...
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