Damn Yankees
When I was a kid, I kept away from the movie Damn Yankees (1958) and its various musical versions. It was about baseball -- yawn -- there was a lady in her underwear on the poster -- and the word damn...
View ArticleGhoul: The Kid from "Modern Family" Fights Zombies
Ghoul is a gay-subtext buddy-bonding horror novel by Brian Keene (2007), who specializes in postapocalyptic zombie novels.A ghoul, a monster that lives on dead human meat, is terrorizing the town,...
View ArticleThe Penis Cemetery of Iran
You're not going to Iran anytime soon; the ultra-conservative government has made same-sex relations a crime punishable by death. And even if you could go, you would probably spend all of your time in...
View ArticleThe Flowers of Evil: A Place Where Hercules and Christ are One
Back before there were shelves labeled "gay literature" in bookstores, when library card catalogs contained two books labeled "homosexuality," if that, you found gay books through key words in the...
View ArticleLi'l Abner, the Musical: Gay Anxiety in the Cold War
You'd expect a lot of beefcake in the musical Li'l Abner (1956), which was made into a movie (1959) starring Peter Palmer. 1. It was based on the popular comic strip which featured a super-muscular,...
View ArticleGarcia Lorca: The Homophobic Gay Poet and his Boyfriend
When I was studying Spanish literature at Augustana College, I never in a million years, would have thought that Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) was gay (or for that matter his boyfriend, surrealist...
View ArticleSkip Homeier: Gay-Vague Villain and his Nude Model Son
On February 21, 1969, Star Trek encounters the counterculture when a group of groovy, extremely muscular space hippies take over the Enterprise to fly to the legendary planet of Eden. Unfortunately,...
View ArticleFall 1993: Naked with Church Treasurer
When I was a kid, the adults all told me that I would grow up, go to work in the factory, then "find a nice girl" and get married. Abandoning boyhood "pals" for a heterosexual destiny was a fact of...
View ArticlePogo: The Gay Possum of Okefenokee Swamp
There have been three major comic strips devoted to the naivete, colorful traditions, and homespun wisdom of the hillbilly:Li'l Abner, about a backwoods Adonis allergic to hetero-romance.Snuffy Smith,...
View ArticleThe Music Man: Gay Trouble in River City
You might expect that The Music Man (1962), with its first number "Rock Island," would be a mega-hit in Rock Island, Illinois. Actually, the musical is set in River City, probably Davenport, our rival...
View ArticleHansel and Gretel Grow Up and Get Boyfriends
Remember Hansel and Gretel, the Grimm fairy tale about a father who tries to kill his children by abandoning them in the woods, whereupon they stumble upon a candy house, and a witch who wants to eat...
View ArticleMy Top 10 Turn-Offs
You already know the characteristics that I find attractive:1. Religious. Minister, priest, rabbi, imam, Buddhist monk, seminary student, Mormon missionary...2. Short. Definitely under 5'8". Under...
View ArticleMy Careers as an Actor, Tour Guide, Chemist, Stand-up Comedian, Translator,...
I returned to West Hollywood after my semester in Nashville completely discouraged. I had spent 6 1/2 years in three graduate programs, and what did I have to show for it? A lot of useless knowledge,...
View ArticleWhy Everyone in West Hollywood Listened to Madonna
When I first moved to West Hollywood in 1985, Madonna was everywhere, part of the backdrop of everyday life, as universal and taken-for-granted as working out, drinking Perrier, and reading Frontiers...
View ArticleRaoul Bova: Don't Come Out, Think of the Children!
Italian heartthrob Raoul Bova has been the subject of many gay rumors over the years. There has even been a Facebook petition asking him to "please come out!" But he refuses."If I were gay, I would...
View ArticleSean Flynn: Was the Son of the Legendary Actor Gay?
Born in 1941, Sean Flynn was the son of infamous bisexual superstar Errol Flynn (and uncle of his namesake Sean Flynn, star of the Nickelodeon teencom Zoey 101). Handsome, muscular, and the son of a...
View ArticleThe Russian Penis Museum
Are you interested in seeing the 13-inch long penis of Grigor Rasputin, the mad monk of Imperial Russia, pickled in a jar?Or a painting by Vera Donskaya-Khilko of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin...
View ArticleChicago, the Musical: Skip the Movie, See it on Stage
I hate the movie version of the musical Chicago (2002), directed by Rob Marshall. It's set in the Jazz Age, but there are no scenes set in speakeasies or vast Great Gatsby-style estates, or streets...
View ArticleWil Horneff, Gay-Subtext Teen Idol of the 1990s
Born in 1979, Wil Horneff first drew teen idol attention with The Sandlot (1993), one of the misfit-kids-play-sports movies popular during the decade. Next came Ghost in the Machine (1993), about a...
View ArticleWhat Seth Gabel Looks Like Naked
According to the TV Line website, this person is Seth Gabel, with and without the shirt and glasses. But I think they made a mistake. It looks like two different people to me. The Seth Gabel on the...
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