The New Netflix Queer Eye Makes Georgia Boys Fabulous
I never watched the Bravo reality series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (2003-2007), which sent five screaming queens out to teach macho men how to get chicks by getting their femme on. It pandered to...
View ArticleIn Every Man's Life There's a Summer of 42
During the 1980s, as the gay movement gained ground, film producers tried every way they could think of to assure heterosexual audiences that they had nothing to worry about, that gay people did not...
View ArticleBuster Brown Comics: 1940s Beefcake at the Shoe Store
The first generation of Baby Boomers watched some crazy kids' shows on their brand-new black and white tvs, like Andy's Gang, aka Smilin' Ed's Gang (1951-1960), with the screechy-voiced hosts Andy...
View ArticleZachery Ty Bryan: Home Improvement Also-Ran
Born in Colorado in 1981, Zachery Ty Bryan was hired to play the oldest brother on the TGIF sitcom Home Improvement (1991-1999). As he grew into adolescence, he became more and more muscular, but his...
View ArticleThe Police Uniform Fetish
When I was living in West Hollywood, police officers were the enemy. When a police car drove past, everybody froze. You moved away from your boyfriend, hid your gay pride t-shirt, kept your eyes down....
View ArticleEpisodes: Matt LeBlanc Discusses His Penis
Matt LeBlanc was easy on the eye as Joey on Friends (1994-2004), and he's still quite photogenic, even when playing "himself" as an insufferable jerk.Of course, in Hollywood, everybody, without...
View ArticleA Hundred Shirtless Hals in "Picnic"
Picnic is a 1953 play by William Inge about a drifter named Hal, who arrives in a small town in search of his old college buddy and arouses the secret passions of the male and female townsfolk (Inge...
View ArticleC. Paul Jennewein: Beefcake Sculptures on National Monuments
In the Great Hall of the Department of Justice, there's a semi-nude statue representing the Spirit of Justice. She stands 12 feet tall, and is wearing a Roman toga, with one breast bare. In 2002...
View ArticleRacine, Wisconsin: The Beefcake that Might Have Been
I spent kindergarten, first, and second grades in Racine, Wisconsin, on the shore of Lake Michigan between Milwaukee and Chicago. If Dad hadn't been transferred to Rock Island, I could have grown up...
View ArticleI Hook Up with Wojo from "Barney Miller" at a Bear Party
Last week I posted my Celebrity Hookup Wish List, a dozen guys who I (or some of my readers) fantasized about and figured were gay or bi, yet had no hookup stories about. Max Gail was on the list.Born...
View ArticleMarky Mark and the Funky Bunch
I don't care for rap music, but who in 1991 wasn't paying attention to rapper Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, whose "Good Vibration" reached #1 on the US Pop Charts? We really weren't paying attention...
View ArticleSausage Sighting of Billy Mumy and Jon Bon Jovi
Hi, Boomer,This is Jeremy, Infinite Chazz's partner. I saw Bill Mumy on your hookup wishlist. I hope this is what you were looking for:Summer 1991! There has never been another summer like it....
View ArticleBeefcake Boys in "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"
Who has a fond memory of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982)? Dolly Parton as the madam, Burt Reynolds as the sheriff, and the entire Texas Aggie football team naked in the locker room, singing...
View ArticleSwim Team Beefcake
When I was in high school and college, swim meets were the only reliable place to go to gaze at muscular men -- and check out packages. Today you can download 1,000 nude photos of men before breakfast,...
View ArticleAlley Oop: The Time-Traveling Cave Man
When I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, the comics page of the Rock Island Argus was dismal -- no Peanuts, no Dennis the Menace, no Wizard of Id -- just bargain-basement knockoffs (like Winthrop) and...
View ArticleMore "Boys' Life" Beefcake
When I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, the main draw of Boys' Life magazine was the photography: cute boys my age, shirtless teenagers, muscular men in swimsuits. But there were also a lot of comics,...
View ArticleRussell Johnson: The Professor and His Gay Son
Everyone in West Hollywood knew Russell Johnson, who played the Professor on Gilligan's Island. I met him once, and saw him a few times at events. He was a gay ally, primarily due to his son...
View ArticleMore "Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike" Beefcake
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike is a 2012 play about two middle-aged siblings living in one of those Chekhov plays about nouveau-poor aristocrats struggling to survive financially on a doddering...
View ArticleCaptain Tootsie
Captain Tootsie is one of the more interesting superheroes of the Golden Age of Comics. Debuting in 1943, he sold Tootsie Rolls, those brown sugar-corn syrup concoctions, which gave him the "quick...
View ArticleBeefcake in Acne Commercials
You could call my high school years "The Clearasil" years. I carried around a little tube of the sticky white glue-like stuff or the sulfer-smelling brown stuff. One whiff today will bring back a...
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