Hookup from Hell on the Plains
Plains, April 2017I thought all the crazies were back in Hell-fer-Sartain, Texas in 1984. It was my fault: the guy had no profile picture on Grindr, the photo he sent me was waist-down only, and his...
View ArticleThe Bulging Android of MST3K
This weekend I've been binge-watching the new reboot of Mystery Science Theater 3000: 20 years after the original MST3K, Jonah (Jonah Ray) and his robot chums are being forced to watch "cheesy movies"...
View ArticleSpring 1981: Kissing a Boy at the Bell Tower
When I was in college, Bruce and I and some other English-philosophy-modern language majors hung out at a little bookstore off the student union. The manager, Adam Horowitz (picture is not him), was...
View ArticleBeefcake Alert: Shirts vs. Skins Basketball in the Campus Gym
Since time immemorial, I've run at 2:00 pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Three or four miles outside in the summer, sometimes five, and in the winter, a quick three miles plus warmup on a treadmill...
View ArticleStevan Dovanos: The Artist Behind the Homoerotic Towel Ads of World War II
You've seen copies of these magazine ads everywhere on the internet: naked World War II-era soldiers frolicking with towels, their butts and bulges in full view.They didn't all show a lot of butt, but...
View ArticleThe Boyfriend of William the Conqueror
My ancestor was the boyfriend of William the ConquerorEvery schoolkid learns about the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the English and became William I (Guillaume...
View ArticleScott Baio's Hookup with His Cousin and the "Fantasy Island" Guy
Of all the gay rumors I heard about Scott Baio, the most outrageous was the alleged three-way he had with his cousin Jimmy Baio and older actor Ricardo Montalban. I heard several different versions...
View ArticleFighting the Nazis, One Bicep at a Time
Superman, the first costumed superhero in comic book history, premiered in Action Comics 1 in the spring of 1938, just in time for World War II. By the time the U.S. entered the war in 1941, the skies...
View ArticleSeeing a Father, Son, and Grandson Naked
Plains, April 2017I see the Geezer in the gym a couple of times a week: in his 70s, tall, ugly, and out of shape, with thin arms, no chest, and a sagging belly. He never lifts weights or does cardio;...
View ArticleBobby London's Homoerotic, Homophobic Popeye
You may not know this, but E. C. Segar's Thimble Theater comic strip, which first appeared in 1919, has never gone out of publication (and it's still called Thimble Theater, even though Popeye has...
View ArticleWhat Not to Say During Sex: 11 Words and Phrases that Kill the Mood
I've been engaging in regular sexual activity for a number of years, and I've heard everything imaginable before, after, and even during the act: laughing, screaming, crying, yelling an ex-lover's...
View ArticleTarzan, the Stage Musical: Major Loincloth-Clad Hunkage
With all of the movies, tv series, books, comic books, and toys surrounding Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan since his first appearance in the October 1912 issue of All Story Magazine, it makes sense that...
View ArticleThat Boy: My First Porn Film
It may be a little strange to mention a porn film in a G-rated blog, but That Boy (1974) is special. It was a defining moment in my life, the first gay erotic film I ever saw, in the spring of 1984,...
View Article10 Shirtless Photos of Billy Joel, Sort Of
Whenever I begin researching an article about an actor or musician, I try to find shirtless pictures of him for illustrations. I check websites like Just Jared and Shirtless Male Celebs, and of course...
View ArticleThe Juvenile Delinquent's Bare Butt
Rock Island, April 1977One day during my junior year at Rocky High, my younger brother Kenny invited me out for ice cream. I was suspicious -- he never invited me to go anywhere. He must be buttering...
View ArticleBeefcake and Bulges in Old Swim Team Photos
I love old high school and college yearbooks, now usually digitized and put online as "Alumni Memories."You can see hundreds of men and boys who have left us now, or who are elderly and reminiscing...
View ArticleSearching for Beefcake in "The Jungle Book Musical"
The Jungle Book Musical has a slightly different plot from the 1967 Disney movie: feral child Mowgli and his panther friend Bagheera flee from the tyrannical despot Shere Khan. They meet allies and...
View ArticleThe Human Torch and Toro: Gay Subtexts in World War II Comics
I never had much time for Marvel Comics, but there's something to be said for the Human Torch, a blazing, naked humanoid who bursts onto the scene to rescue his rather buffed (and also flammable)...
View ArticleBaby Huey and Dimwit: Bottom of the Barrel Buddy-Bonding
When I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s, I loved Harvey Comics, in this order:1. The Ghosts (Casper, Spooky, Ghostland, Spooktown), whose weird paranormal and science fiction adventures were full of...
View ArticleA High School Boy Gives Me His Underwear
Fort Wayne, Indiana, December 1969When I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, we visited my parents' home town in northeastern Indiana about twice a year, at Christmastime and during the summer. My...
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