One of the main things I like about writing this blog is the research: investigating gay subtexts in movies or tv series I never heard of before. Sometimes the research leads in unexpected directions:
6:00 am: I never heard of David Paetkau, who played a gay character in the Canadian ice hockey movie Goon (2011), so I looked him up on IMDB. He's been in over 30 movies and tv series, including Final Destination 2 (2003), Whistler (2006-2008), and Flashpoint (2008-). Nothing I've seen, and nothing with keywords "gay."
6:10 am: Google Images has pictures of him getting married, in a cop uniform, and hugging a number of guys, including Shaun Sipos. I never heard of him either, but one blogger thinks he's cute. So maybe Shaun Sipos is gay or plays gay characters?
6:15 am: Like David, Shaun Sipos is a British Colombia native who was in Final Destination 2. He's also been on the tv series Melrose Place (2009-2010), Life Unexpected (2010-2011), and The Vampire Diaries (2013). I haven't seen any of them either, but a keyword search for "gay" reveals that his Melrose Place character was involved with a bisexual woman.
6:20 am: He's in a movie called The Michaels (2014), in post-production. I can't find a synopsis online, but with multiple Michaels, one must be gay. And there's a character called Handsome Party Guy, played by Lars Slind. Never heard of him.
6:25 am: Score! Lars Slind, born in 1983 in Arizona, is an artist, actor, model, and writer with about a thousand shirtless and underwear shots on the internet.
He starred in the tv series The Cavanaughs (2011-2012) and has guest starred on Teen Wolf, True Blood, and Desperate Housewives, mostly in roles like "Hunky Guy."
6:35: He played Superman in Batman Hangover (2013), available on the Funny or Diewebsite, and he's got a starring role coming up in the superhero comedy Real Heroes (2014).
Let's face it -- no one with this kind of physique is going to be cast as a gay character -- Hollywood wants its gay men to be wispy bits of fluff.
6:40: But Lars is gay or an ally (I can't tell which). He posed for the gay magazine DNA and gave an interview to The Gay League, a gay superhero fan blog.
Finally a gay connnection! And it only took 45 minutes!