Talk about isolation: Kotzebue, Alaska is farther north than Nome, 30 miles above the Arctic Circle, a 2 hour flight from Anchorage (you have to go by plane).
There are 3,200 people, 70% Native American; 22% speak an Eskimo-Aleut language at home. In the winter, the temperature hovers around 0; in the summer, it can get as high as 60.
There are 5 restaurants in town, which is not very many for 3,000 people: Bayside, Little Louie's, Nullagvik, Empress Chinese, and Uutuku. No fast food?
Kotzebue is not really tourist friendly; in fact, it's been named as the most toxic town in the United States, due to the Red Dog Mine releasing 700 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air every year.
But surely there's some beefcake to be seen.
Kotzebue Middle/High School, home of the Huskies, naturally, offers volleyball, wrestling, crosscountry, and basketball. But no photographs of the wrestlers, the crosscountry runners run wearing shirts, the volleyball team seems to be all girls, and the basketball team...well.
They don't even offer bodybuilding, like the rest of Alaska high schools. Key word searches on Kotzebue "dating men,""shirtless,""muscle,""powerlifting," and "crossfit" yielded only a black and white photo of two guys at a birthday party in Nome.
And former president Obama, for some reason.
The top photo shows two guys from Mississippi, and below, Mesa, Arizona,.
Two takeaway points:
1. Always look for the beefcake photos before you research the town, not after.
2. Stick to the Sun Belt.
There are 3,200 people, 70% Native American; 22% speak an Eskimo-Aleut language at home. In the winter, the temperature hovers around 0; in the summer, it can get as high as 60.
There are 5 restaurants in town, which is not very many for 3,000 people: Bayside, Little Louie's, Nullagvik, Empress Chinese, and Uutuku. No fast food?
Kotzebue is not really tourist friendly; in fact, it's been named as the most toxic town in the United States, due to the Red Dog Mine releasing 700 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air every year.
But surely there's some beefcake to be seen.
Kotzebue Middle/High School, home of the Huskies, naturally, offers volleyball, wrestling, crosscountry, and basketball. But no photographs of the wrestlers, the crosscountry runners run wearing shirts, the volleyball team seems to be all girls, and the basketball team...well.
They don't even offer bodybuilding, like the rest of Alaska high schools. Key word searches on Kotzebue "dating men,""shirtless,""muscle,""powerlifting," and "crossfit" yielded only a black and white photo of two guys at a birthday party in Nome.
And former president Obama, for some reason.
The top photo shows two guys from Mississippi, and below, Mesa, Arizona,.
Two takeaway points:
1. Always look for the beefcake photos before you research the town, not after.
2. Stick to the Sun Belt.