After discovering that the members of the Air Force Academy wrestling team were all gifted in the singlet department, I thought it would be fun to see if other U.S. military academies drew similarly gifted athletes.
There are five service academies in the U.S. Not including the air force, they are:
1.The U.S. Navy Academy in Annapolis, Marylnad has 4,300 students (called midshipmen). Athletic competition is mandatory, but you can choose between football, basketball, lacrosse, crew, and croquet.
And wrestling, where I don't see any particular gifts.
Let's try another wrestler, this one on the varsity team (gold uniform).
Good biceps, strong core, but nothing else spectacular.
2. The Army Academy at West Point, NewYork has 4,000 cadets. Football is its most popular sport, due to a rival game with the Navy academy every year, but cadets can also play basketball, baseball, and lacrosse, and go out for swimming, tennis, golf,
Nice muscular arms,but where it counts, nothing much.
A West Point Black Knight with a tight physique academy?
3. The U.S. Coast Guard is involved mainly in border patrol and protection. The Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut draws less than a thousand cadets, who major only in science in technology, no humanities or social sciences. But they can participate in lots of sports.
This very muscular Coast Guard wrestler also, finally, has pleasantly obvious singlet gifts.
Unfortunately, he seems to be an outlier. I couldn't find any other wrestlers with similar gifts. The guy in the "South" singlet is actually on a competing team.
These are shirtless guys from Iowa, one of whom has signed on for the Coast Guard Academy.
Ok, one academy left:
4. The Merchant Marines are like federal reserve officers, civilians who, with their ships, can be called upon to transport military personnel and materials during wartime. The Merchant Marines Academy in Kingspoint, New York draws about 1,000 midshipmen.
Including this very hunky wrestler with an anchor on his chest and a significant singlet gift.
This one is even more blatant. You can see everything.
Let's see another one.
Even a skinny guy.
Who would have thought that merchant marines even had a wrestling team, let alone one that is singularly gifted in the singlet department.
See also: Air Force Academy: Gifted in the Singlet Department
There are five service academies in the U.S. Not including the air force, they are:
1.The U.S. Navy Academy in Annapolis, Marylnad has 4,300 students (called midshipmen). Athletic competition is mandatory, but you can choose between football, basketball, lacrosse, crew, and croquet.
And wrestling, where I don't see any particular gifts.
Let's try another wrestler, this one on the varsity team (gold uniform).
Good biceps, strong core, but nothing else spectacular.
2. The Army Academy at West Point, NewYork has 4,000 cadets. Football is its most popular sport, due to a rival game with the Navy academy every year, but cadets can also play basketball, baseball, and lacrosse, and go out for swimming, tennis, golf,
Nice muscular arms,but where it counts, nothing much.
A West Point Black Knight with a tight physique academy?

3. The U.S. Coast Guard is involved mainly in border patrol and protection. The Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut draws less than a thousand cadets, who major only in science in technology, no humanities or social sciences. But they can participate in lots of sports.
This very muscular Coast Guard wrestler also, finally, has pleasantly obvious singlet gifts.
Unfortunately, he seems to be an outlier. I couldn't find any other wrestlers with similar gifts. The guy in the "South" singlet is actually on a competing team.
These are shirtless guys from Iowa, one of whom has signed on for the Coast Guard Academy.
Ok, one academy left:
4. The Merchant Marines are like federal reserve officers, civilians who, with their ships, can be called upon to transport military personnel and materials during wartime. The Merchant Marines Academy in Kingspoint, New York draws about 1,000 midshipmen.
Including this very hunky wrestler with an anchor on his chest and a significant singlet gift.
This one is even more blatant. You can see everything.
Let's see another one.
Even a skinny guy.
Who would have thought that merchant marines even had a wrestling team, let alone one that is singularly gifted in the singlet department.
See also: Air Force Academy: Gifted in the Singlet Department