I am always surprised by how ordinary the campus looks. No vast Gothic quads, like at Oxford, or for that matter the University of Chicago. There are a few Colonial buildings, but mostly it's plain brownstone, with an occasional glass-and-steel science lab thrown in. The Widener Library could be any library in the world.
Cross Harvard Yard, and you come to a Tasty Burger, an IHOP, and a...a...Chipotle.
And how ordinary the students look. Not at all the children of the top 1% of the top 1%, with private yachts and guest houses in St. Moritz and Barack Obama in their phone contacts. They could be any rich kids from any college, except that they're majoring in Lithuanian Gender Politics and Akkadian Funerary Incantations, and taking courses like From Byzantium to the British Isles: The Materiality of Late Antiquity.
Who am I kidding? Most of them are majoring in economics or political science, necessary for their lives in halls of power.

I'm always surprised that Harvard has sports. What jocks want to study Medieval Catalan Poetry?
Actually, that sounds rather interesting.
Who knew that a brief google search would turn up 38 Harvard hunks?
1. A hunky swimmer (top photo).
2. A spandex-straining wrestler (notice the VE RI TAS on his side).
3-4 Members of the Harvard Crew (rowing team) getting dressed.
5-10. And what they look like dressed. How are we expected to keep our eyes above the belt?
11. A PETA protester, arrested in Harvard Yard. For trespassing or public nudity?
12.-14. Some miscellaneous semi-nude and nude guys in a story entitled "Who Can Go Naked at Harvard?"
Lots of guys, apparently.
15-17. Some guys getting "out of the Harvard Bubble" at the beach. Martha's Vineyard, no doubt.
18-20. "The Harvard Swim Team Cares." I don't know who they care about, but I'll count the three guys with chests.