This wrestler reminds me of Infinite Chazz, our boy toy in West Hollywood, called "infinite" because he was infinitely attractive to everyone who saw him. He could get anything he wanted -- an extra dessert from the lunch lady at school, a back stage pass at a concert, sex -- just by flashing his smile. It was like a superpower.
Infinite Chazz #2 is actually PJ from "Cardinal Newman High School," All-Empire Wrestler of the year, 2014.
According to the article, he's a three-time All American who boxes in his spare time, he wants to be an engineer, and he plans to go to West Point (and no, this move is not illegal).
Two questions:
1. Where is this All-Empire?
2. Did he make it to West Point?
1. Where is this All-Empire?
There are two Cardinal Newman High Schools in the U.S., in West Palm Beach and Santa Rosa.
Cardinal Newman, West Palm Beach, founded in 1961, has 500 students. Its colors are blue and gold, and its mascot is a Crusader. Its newspaper is called the Illuminated Manuscript (cleverly Medieval).
This is Blythewood (in bright blue) beating Cardinal Newman (light blue).
Cardinal Newman, Santa Rosa, founded in 1914, has 600 students. Its colors are Cardinal red (naturally) and gold.
I don't know why this photo came up when I searched for "Cardinal Newman High School""Santa Rosa""wrestling," but I couldn't resist the title:
"Yip Yip Hooray for Jordan Yip," who placed at the Shah Alam Aquatic Centre in Malaysia. according to the MSSM Akutiaq blog.
Malaysia is a bit far from Santa Rosa, and none of the words are in the article.
Ok, here's a real Cardinal Newman Santa Rosa wrestler. Notice the red logo? Similar to PJ's, but not identical.
Someone named PJ, with his last name (not very common), also attended the Blair Academy in New Jersey.
But someone named Michael, with the same last name, graduated from the Cardinal Newman in Santa Rosa in 2015 (shown here hanging out with several shirtless guys).
He was also a wrestler, no doubt a younger brother.
So I'm going with PJ graduating from the Cardinal Newman Santa Rosa.
And All-Empire means Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties, California.
2. Did he make it to West Point?
I don't see any PJ on the rosters of West Point wrestling teams.
But I found a Paul with the same last name wrestling at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, a senior in 2017-2018.
Success! He was a graduate of Cardinal Newman in Santa Rosa, then attended West Point and Holyoke Community College, near Springfield, Massachusetts.
I'm guessing a year at West Point, then a year at Holyoke, and on to Sacred Heart, where he changed from engineering to criminal justice.
The bodybuilding film Stay Hungry was partially filmed at the Gold's Gym in Holyoke.
A long strange trip from Santa Rosa to Holyoke, with a lot of byways and dead ends in between. But look at all of the beefcake I found on the way!
See also: In Search of the Headless Wrestler.
Infinite Chazz #2 is actually PJ from "Cardinal Newman High School," All-Empire Wrestler of the year, 2014.
According to the article, he's a three-time All American who boxes in his spare time, he wants to be an engineer, and he plans to go to West Point (and no, this move is not illegal).
Two questions:
1. Where is this All-Empire?
2. Did he make it to West Point?
1. Where is this All-Empire?
There are two Cardinal Newman High Schools in the U.S., in West Palm Beach and Santa Rosa.
Cardinal Newman, West Palm Beach, founded in 1961, has 500 students. Its colors are blue and gold, and its mascot is a Crusader. Its newspaper is called the Illuminated Manuscript (cleverly Medieval).
This is Blythewood (in bright blue) beating Cardinal Newman (light blue).
Cardinal Newman, Santa Rosa, founded in 1914, has 600 students. Its colors are Cardinal red (naturally) and gold.
I don't know why this photo came up when I searched for "Cardinal Newman High School""Santa Rosa""wrestling," but I couldn't resist the title:
"Yip Yip Hooray for Jordan Yip," who placed at the Shah Alam Aquatic Centre in Malaysia. according to the MSSM Akutiaq blog.
Malaysia is a bit far from Santa Rosa, and none of the words are in the article.
Ok, here's a real Cardinal Newman Santa Rosa wrestler. Notice the red logo? Similar to PJ's, but not identical.
Someone named PJ, with his last name (not very common), also attended the Blair Academy in New Jersey.
But someone named Michael, with the same last name, graduated from the Cardinal Newman in Santa Rosa in 2015 (shown here hanging out with several shirtless guys).
He was also a wrestler, no doubt a younger brother.
So I'm going with PJ graduating from the Cardinal Newman Santa Rosa.
And All-Empire means Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties, California.
2. Did he make it to West Point?
I don't see any PJ on the rosters of West Point wrestling teams.
But I found a Paul with the same last name wrestling at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, a senior in 2017-2018.
Success! He was a graduate of Cardinal Newman in Santa Rosa, then attended West Point and Holyoke Community College, near Springfield, Massachusetts.
I'm guessing a year at West Point, then a year at Holyoke, and on to Sacred Heart, where he changed from engineering to criminal justice.
The bodybuilding film Stay Hungry was partially filmed at the Gold's Gym in Holyoke.
A long strange trip from Santa Rosa to Holyoke, with a lot of byways and dead ends in between. But look at all of the beefcake I found on the way!
See also: In Search of the Headless Wrestler.