According to a survey in Travel and Leisure, the ugliest towns in America are Wilson, North Carolina; Fort Pierce and Kissamme, Florida; Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Anderson and Kokomo, Indiana; and Utica and Niagara Falls, New York.
Regardless of how ugly downtown is, how dismal the chains of fast-food places and box stores, how decrepit the neighborhoods, regardless of the dearth of museums, art galleries, and bookstores, beefcake can redeem a town. So how much is available in the ugliest towns in America.
Let's start with Kokomo, population 40,000, in northern Indiana.
Because of the distinctive "k" sounds, it has been a popular location (for mentioning, not for a setting) in movies and songs.
It's also notable as the home of Ryan White, the boy who contracted HIV through a blood transfusion and had to deal with homophobic hysteria.
Well, that was thirty years ago.
Kokomo has the usual high school swim teams, with -- wait, where are the speedos? Anybody who photographs their swim team wearing pants has something to hide.
Here's the diving champion, in a star-spangled speedo. Quite attractive. Maybe some people are turned off by the acne.
Here are Kokomo's top wrestlers. The lack of singlets is a definite problem, but otherwise quite attractive.
Kokomo has a Strongman Competition, with a lifter who is a little chubby. Can we see what the adults look like?
Ok, that face is a little low on m attractiveness meter, but the biceps are impressive.
Kokomo also offers fishing. At first I thought the ugly catfish was attached to the kid somehow, but he's actually holding it up with gloved hands. I wouldn't touch it.
Surely there are some goodlooking adults on Kokomo dating sites.
Not bad, except for the 1970s-on-the-prowl expression.
How about some Kokomo guys with their shirts off?
I could do without the weird half-goatee, but I like the Chaim pendant (Hebrew for "Life").
Verdict: Mixed. Some guys are attractive, some ugly. The catfish is hideous.
Regardless of how ugly downtown is, how dismal the chains of fast-food places and box stores, how decrepit the neighborhoods, regardless of the dearth of museums, art galleries, and bookstores, beefcake can redeem a town. So how much is available in the ugliest towns in America.

Because of the distinctive "k" sounds, it has been a popular location (for mentioning, not for a setting) in movies and songs.
It's also notable as the home of Ryan White, the boy who contracted HIV through a blood transfusion and had to deal with homophobic hysteria.
Well, that was thirty years ago.
Kokomo has the usual high school swim teams, with -- wait, where are the speedos? Anybody who photographs their swim team wearing pants has something to hide.
Here's the diving champion, in a star-spangled speedo. Quite attractive. Maybe some people are turned off by the acne.
Here are Kokomo's top wrestlers. The lack of singlets is a definite problem, but otherwise quite attractive.
Kokomo has a Strongman Competition, with a lifter who is a little chubby. Can we see what the adults look like?
Ok, that face is a little low on m attractiveness meter, but the biceps are impressive.
Kokomo also offers fishing. At first I thought the ugly catfish was attached to the kid somehow, but he's actually holding it up with gloved hands. I wouldn't touch it.
Surely there are some goodlooking adults on Kokomo dating sites.
Not bad, except for the 1970s-on-the-prowl expression.
How about some Kokomo guys with their shirts off?
I could do without the weird half-goatee, but I like the Chaim pendant (Hebrew for "Life").
Verdict: Mixed. Some guys are attractive, some ugly. The catfish is hideous.