The actual word is "deuce," but I have no idea what a deuce is. Something to do with card playing?
I knew "Born in the U.S.A." (1984), but I thought it was a jingoistic patriotic anthem, not an indictment of our treatment of Vietnam War veterans. How could you get that from:
Born in the USA, I was born in the USA, I'm a cool rockin' Daddy in the USA.
And I had a vague image of dead-end towns, pick-up trucks, hard-drinking men who worked in factories and the women who gave their lives meaning, gross heterosexist country-western stuff, nothing I would want to listen to.
There are lots of homophobic slurs in his songs.
In "Lost in the Flood" (1973), a returning Vietnam veteran moans that the countryside's burning with wolfman fairies dressed in drag for homicide.
Not a very positive depiction of the Gay Rights Movement.
In "Tokyo" (1973), as the sun rises, a macho garbage man gets ready for work: He hurriedly sipped his beer, and poked fun of the queer, and threatened to kick his ass.
"Backstreets" (1975) two friends grow up on the mean streets. One of their pastime is "ripping off the fags."
More recently, "Balboa Park" (1995) talks about hustling: Where the men in their Mercedes come nightly to employ the services of the border boys
No positive references to gay people, but "Streets of Philadelphia" (1993) which was used in the movie starring Tom Hanks as gay man dying of AIDS, can be about any gay person's struggle with a brutal, heartless, homophobic world .
Ain't no angel gonna greet me, it's just you and I my friend
And my clothes don't fit me no more. A thousand miles just to slip this skin
"Some things are more important than a rock show, and this fight against prejudice and bigotry is one of them."