During the 19th century, most people in the U.S. cities lived in townhouses, houses crammed against each other with no space in between. Sculpted green lawns were for the estates of the very rich. It wasn't until the 20th century, and especially after World War II, that even people of modest means expected to have a "castle" surrounded on all sides by green lawns.

But one benefit of all those lawns is: they have to be mown. At least once a week from sometime in April to sometime in September in the northern United States.
The hot months.
It's hot work, so people -- usually men -- often mow shirtless.
In every suburban neighborhood, Saturday afternoons are filled with the sound of electric mowers, as the parade of beefcake begins.
Once you reach middle age, you don't mow lawns anymore. You give the job to any teenage boys in your household. If there are no teenage boys in your household, you hire someone.
Elderly people usually solicit volunteers from among their sons and grandsons, or again, hire someone.
Gay men usually have to hire someone.
More after the break.
To hire a lawn mower, ask:
1. If he has his own equipment.
2. How much experience he has.
3. If he minds mowing the lawn with his shirt off.
4. If he will need to take a shower afterwards.
Most guys mowing lawns don't mind if you watch. They think you are admiring their technique, not their pecs.
Watching hot guys mow lawns is one of the few joys of summer.