Everything from the standard (tedious homework, nonsensical school rules, horrible cafeteria food) to the edgy (racism, gender roles, divorce).
And a lot for gay boys to like.

Unfortunately, cast members usually retired when they hit adolescence, but there were a few exceptions to provide beefcake for the teenagers, such as Alasdair Gillis (above and left).
And Kevin Kubusheski.
2. Two ongoing bits reflected gay kids' anxiety over desires that the adults insisted could not and did not exist. In one, a boy is about to be executed by firing squad, yells "Stop the execution," and cleverly talks his way out of it. In another, a boy is in a dungeon, hands manacled over his head, being interrogated and tortured (usually by being slobbered on).
3. Gender stereotypes were frequently critiqued. Boys dressed as ballerinas, played with dolls, disliked sports, and were bad at math. Girls worked on cars and wore leather jackets.
4. Although gay people were never mentioned, the critique of the most cherished myths and preconceptions of childhood helped gay kids recognize that the myth of universal heterosexual desire could be critiqued as well.