Most people know Norwegian painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944) from The Scream (1893), the expressionistic portrait of an agonized figure under an orange sky. When I was in West Hollywood, you could get Scream t-shirts, masks, and blow-up dolls.
But Munch had a long career in Paris of the Belle Epoque, Berlin, and Kristiania (now Oslo). He experimented with many styles, and produced a huge opus.
Including many male nudes.
Men in the Sea (1908).
He painted female nudes, too, but the homoerotic power behind his nude male groups is undeniable.
Men in a Swimming Pool (1923)
Munch never married or established any long-term relationship that we know of, and was plagued by alcoholism and mental illness throughout his life. A few months after completing his monumental "Ages of Man" (1907-08), which depicts 12 naked men on the beach, he attempted suicide and was admitted to a "nerve clinic."
Sounds like a tortured, closeted gay man of the era of Krafft-Ebing and Hirschfeld.
But Munch had a long career in Paris of the Belle Epoque, Berlin, and Kristiania (now Oslo). He experimented with many styles, and produced a huge opus.
Including many male nudes.
Men in the Sea (1908).
He painted female nudes, too, but the homoerotic power behind his nude male groups is undeniable.
Men in a Swimming Pool (1923)
Munch never married or established any long-term relationship that we know of, and was plagued by alcoholism and mental illness throughout his life. A few months after completing his monumental "Ages of Man" (1907-08), which depicts 12 naked men on the beach, he attempted suicide and was admitted to a "nerve clinic."
Sounds like a tortured, closeted gay man of the era of Krafft-Ebing and Hirschfeld.