I'm back in West Hollywood after a failed semester studying Biblical Hebrew at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Lane has invited some friends over for a welcome home party.
I get some ribbing on the folly of leaving the gay world for any reason, which leads to a conversation about the craziest things we have ever done:
Randall drove 36 hours nonstop crosscountry with a hitchhiker, who wouldn't even have sex afterwards.
Will flew across the world to be with a "trick."
Raul's boyfriend is afraid of the water, yet he agreed to sail to Catalina on a first date.
Then Lane says: "I can top all of those stories, even Boomer's trip to Country Music U.S.A. Right after high school, I spent a terrible year on a kibbutz on Israel."
"Well -- at least you had a religious motive," I said.
"No. I was following a boy."
The full post, with nude photos and sexual content, is on Tales of West Hollywood.