March 2014, St. Peter, Minnesota
I'm at a conference at Gustavus Adolphus College, a small Swedish Lutheran college in a small town on the Minnesota River.
It's fun being immersed in my Lutheran roots. Old Main looks almost like the Old Main back at Augustana, my alma mater. The chapel is a vast, airy expanse with impressionistic stained glass windows. The campus bookstore stocks The Presocratic Philosophers and Bainton's life of Martin Luther, just as Augustana did.
I didn't come here to seek out beefcake, but it keeps finding me.
Even though it's March and quite chilly, there are two shirtless college boys, hard-bodied, Scandinavian pale, walking across the quad (not naked).
And a tanned, very buffed jock in a muscle shirt lounging in the campus library.
The weight room in the campus gym have vast windows that look out onto a basketball court, where a shirts vs. skins game is in progress.

Or several beefcake sculptures by alumnus Grant Granlud: Jacob wrestling an angel, a luna moth with a buffed masculine form inside, and the naked man and woman bouncing a baby in the air (below).
I heard that the Hillstrom Museum of Art has some Grant Woods in its permanent collection, so I drop in. It's actually just one big room, empty except for the college boy volunteer sitting at a table reading a book on French impressionists: slim, thick dark hair, red t-shirt and short pants.
Asian, probably Vietnamese! I am surprised to see him. There aren't very many Asians on the Plains, and even fewer, I assume, who want to go to a Swedish Lutheran college in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
The uncensored story, with nude photos, is on Tales of West Hollywood.
Asian, probably Vietnamese! I am surprised to see him. There aren't very many Asians on the Plains, and even fewer, I assume, who want to go to a Swedish Lutheran college in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
The uncensored story, with nude photos, is on Tales of West Hollywood.