Growing up with that kind of publicity, and his parents' connections, he had little choice but to go into show business. In 1965, he started a boy band with his friends Dean Paul Martin (Dean Martin's son) and Billy Hinsche.
He guest starred on The Lucy Show (1962-65), and became a regular on Here's Lucy(1968-72), as Lucy's teenage son Craig. And he landed roles in lots of movies.
Oddly for the son of a comedy legend, Desi didn't do comedies. He specialized in tear-jerkers. Many were about the tragic consequences of boys and girls who fall in love (Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones, She Lives, Having Babies, Black Market Babies).
Others were gay-subtext movies about the tragic consequences of boys who fall in love with boys (Billy Two Hats, Joyride, To Kill a Cop).
In 1983, he starred in a buddy-bonding series, Automan, about a computer whiz (Desi) who creates a computerized superhero (the hunky Chuck Wagner). Unfortunately, it was promoted as a comedy, and Desi didn't do comedy. He thought it would be a gritty urban drama.
After 13 episodes he left, and hasn't done a lot of acting since. He is still involved with his music, and he owns the Boulder Theater in Boulder City, Nevada.