We arranged to meet up at 11:00 pm. If one of us struck out, the other would "share" his hookup. If we both met someone, we played mix-and-match in the bedroom.
Since the Faultline was for older guys, bears and daddies, and Mugi specialized in Asian twinks, it made for some diverse evenings.
One night I struck out at Mugi, but when I got home, Lee was sitting on the couch with an Asian guy. At least I thought he was Asian. Short, bronze skin, round face, military hair cut, shirtless, wearing a leather vest and nipple rings.
"This is Arnie," Lee said. "He's up for sharing."
"Boomer. Pleased to meet you." I took my place on the couch next to him.
"My legal name is Joseph, but when I came out, I took the name Arnie, short for Arnauyq, It means 'gay,' in my language, or really 'man who imitates woman.'"
"What language?"
"Inupiaq. What you call Eskimo."
The rest of the story, and the uncensored photos, are on Tales of West Hollywood.