In the 1980s and 1990s, when you found a gay haven, you stayed there. You ventured into the straight world only when absolutely necessary, and then you stayed closeted, undercover, careful not to let your guard down for a moment. If the straights found out that you were gay -- or even suspected -- they would scream "God hates you!" and grab the nearest baseball bat to attack.
But in July 1997, shortly before I left San Francisco to go to graduate school in New York, my friend David suggested that we drive down to Gilroy for the annual garlic festival.
"Are you crazy?" I exclaimed. "It will be full of straight people! We'd never make it out of town alive!"
"I was there last year. It's fine -- nobody says anything. The straights might not like us very much, but they don't mind taking our money. Besides, it's full of the cutest small-town rednecks you'd ever hope to meet."
"You don' straight men?" I asked, aghast. "That's just asking to get beat up!"
"Boy, you've got to get over this straight-o-phobia of yours. Straight guys get just as horny as you and me. Tell you what -- we'll get a hotel room, spend the night, and if you don't trick with a straight guy, I'll pay for the whole trip."
The rest of the story is too risque for Boomer Beefcake and Bonding. You can read it at Tales of West Hollywood.
But in July 1997, shortly before I left San Francisco to go to graduate school in New York, my friend David suggested that we drive down to Gilroy for the annual garlic festival.
"Are you crazy?" I exclaimed. "It will be full of straight people! We'd never make it out of town alive!"
"I was there last year. It's fine -- nobody says anything. The straights might not like us very much, but they don't mind taking our money. Besides, it's full of the cutest small-town rednecks you'd ever hope to meet."
"You don' straight men?" I asked, aghast. "That's just asking to get beat up!"
"Boy, you've got to get over this straight-o-phobia of yours. Straight guys get just as horny as you and me. Tell you what -- we'll get a hotel room, spend the night, and if you don't trick with a straight guy, I'll pay for the whole trip."
The rest of the story is too risque for Boomer Beefcake and Bonding. You can read it at Tales of West Hollywood.