There wasn't much bonding, since the only available males were close relatives. Nor much beefcake; you'd think after three years in the humid jungle, the guys would start wearing Tarzan-style loincloths, but no, only one episode featured Will shirtless, in painted-on jeans.
Otherwise gay boys had to make do with shirts unbuttoned to his navel.
But at least there was an utter lack of mentioned or displayed heterosexual interest in any of the characters, ever.
And Wesley Eure made up for his lack of shirtless shots later, as Mike Horton on Days of Our Lives.
In 2009, he finally made one of the obligatory "coming out" statements, informing the world that he was gay via afterelton.com, but he was never really in. While on Land of the Lost, he was dating Richard Chamberlain.