In gay neighborhoods, the custom of "sharing" one's boyfriend with friends and roommates applied only to guys in committed relationships. It was practically unheard of for you to be invited into your friend's bed during a hookup or first or second date, for obvious reasons:
The date might like you better.
He might not like you at all.
I learned that the hard way in 1999, when Yuri and I were visiting Basque Country, in search of the World's Biggest Penis.
After the Euskaldun Tournament in Vittoria-Gasteiz, where Yuri got "acquainted" with bicyclist Ruben Oarbeaskoa, we spent a weekend in San Sebastian, aka Donostia, the heart of Basque Country.
On Friday afternoon, after sightseeing, I wanted to go to the Donosti Libreria, a gigantic bookstore, to get some Basque books, but Yuri wanted to go to the gay beach.
When we met up later, he exclaimed, "I met a hot Basque guy! His name is Garan. Volosaty (hairy), big muscles, and a big package, too! He invites us to have dinner with him tonight!"
"Are you sure he meant the two of us?" I asked. "Remember last year in Estonia, when you met that Swedish guy who looked like a serial killer?"
"No, no, I tell him we are visiting Spain together. He invited you, too. 10:00 pm."
So at 10:00 pm we arrived at the Bokado, a romantic restaurant with a beautiful view of the Bahia de la Concha.
My heart sank. Was I really expected?
"Yuri! Que tal?" A gigantic, bearded bear with a massive chest and impressive biceps rushed across the foyer and enveloped Yuri in a bear hug. He was so much bigger than Yuri that they looked like father and son.
Then he blinked and stared at me. "Who is this?" he asked in English.
Turns out I wasn't expected, but that may have just been the language barrier -- Garan didn't speak English well, and Yuri didn't speak Spanish or Basque.
But Garan was gracious about me tagging along on their date. In fact, he gave me the embarrassing job of translating his Spanish, including compliments of Yuri's eyes and descriptions of his favored sexual positions.
After dinner Garan took us on a tour of Donostio by night. I sat cramped in the tiny back seat of his car while he drove with one hand and fondled Yuri with the other.
Then he invited us back to his apartment on the Lizardi Kalea in Intxaurrondo.
"Thank you, but this is your date," I said. "No me gusta andar como chaperon. I would be a third wheel."
"Nonsense!" Garan exclaimed in Spanish. "It is only hospitality. Yuri's friend is my friend!"
So we went into his apartment, and I got to sit on the couch next to Garan and Yuri while they kissed.
A lot.
Occasionally Yuri would lean over and give me a "pity kiss."
Then we moved into the bedroom for more of the same.
Watching Garan and Yuri ripping off each other's clothes and exploring each other's tonsils wasn't fun. It made me feel lonely and jealous.
When Yuri reached over and pulled me into the clinch, Garan obligingly gave me a brief fondle.

But only as a courtesy. He was too into Yuri to really notice that I was there.
He did put his massive bear arms around us both to fall asleep.
In the morning, I watched more rolling around and tonsil-swallowing. Then Garan made coffee, put out some hard rolls, and asked "Who wants to go to Saturday Mass?"
Yuri opted to go for a run and then hang around the apartment, but I was anxious to hear a religious service in Basque.
Besides, if I could get Garan alone, I would feel less like a third wheel.
But it turned out to be a Spanish mass!
"Why do you want to hear a mass in Basque?" Garan asked "It's only for old ladies. It's what you speak when you go home to visit your mother!"
And he spent the entire morning talking about Yuri. "He's so cute! He's so hot! You must convince him to stay in Europe longer -- I can come to Paris to visit you in a few weeks!"
On Sunday afternoon, when Garan took us to the train station for our trip back to Paris, he said "Call me when you return to Europe -- or if you want to move here and be my lover."
Later Yuri revealed that, for all of their passion, Garan wasn't really his type. He was a little clingy, and his Kielbasa just wasn't big enough -- Yuri wanted Mortadella+!
See also: the 15 Biggest Sausages I've Ever "Cooked"; and Sharing Jim the Baseball Player.